Handicraft, 1950
Physical Education, English, History, Religious Education, Teaching Certificate, 1950
Aeronautical Engineering 1951
Electrical Engineering, 1951
Aeronautical Engineering, 1952
Physical Education 1953
Handicraft, 1954
Mechanical Engineering, 1954
Physical Education and Geography, 1954
Physical Education, 1955
Civil Engineering, 1955
Handicraft, 1956
Physical Education, 1957
Engineering, 1957
Industrial Chemistry, 1957
Physical Education. 1958
Art College, 1958
Handicraft with Mathematics, 1958
Physical Education, 1959
PE with Geography, 1959
Civil Engineering, 1959
Physical Education, 1958
Civil Engineering Diploma, 1954
Automotive Engineering DLC, 1957
Handicraft, 1955
Civil Engineering, 1954
Physical Education, 1952
Civil Engineering, 1958
Centenary Honorary Degree, 2009
Physical Education, 1995