
Building performance evaluation
Building performance evaluation is crucial to closing the performance gap. We must ensure that our buildings and systems deliver all that they promise, in terms of energy demand, energy savings, thermal comfort, and indoor air quality.
Smart Energy Research Laboratory – Domestic Operational Energy Ratings (DORs)
Working with the Smart Energy Research Laboratory to develop Domestic Operation Ratings (DORs) for homes.
Technical Evaluation of SMETER Technologies (TEST)
Funded by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, this project is evaluating the performance of smart meter devices that measure the thermal performance of homes. It is a collaboration between Loughborough University, Halton Housing, Leeds Beckett University and University College London.
International Energy Agency EBC Annex 71: Building energy performance assessment based on in-situ measurements
An international collaboration to develop non-intrusive methods for measure the thermal performance of buildings.
Digital Energy Feedback and Control Technology Optimisation (DEFACTO)
This EPSRC-funded project quantified the energy-saving potential of zonal space heating controls in homes for the first time and developed a new operational energy rating scheme.
Dr David Allinson
David has long-standing expertise in experimental methods for evaluating the energy, thermal, and moisture performance of buildings. This includes large scale field trails; test houses with synthetic occupants; the Loughborough Hygrothermal Test Facility; building diagnostics and post-occupancy evaluation; and energy, temperature and indoor air quality monitoring.