
Smart buildings, communities, and cities
To manage the transition to low carbon cities, systems, and societies, we need to develop urban modelling approaches that enable us to quantify the impacts of energy efficiency measures in the building stock and how to intelligently control them to maintain energy efficiency and operate flexibly.
FlexTECC: Flexible Timing of Energy Consumption in Communities
EPSRC Innovation fellowship: decentralised control of urban energy systems, to enable buildings to operate efficiently and provide demand response services to the broader energy system.
IEA EBC Annex 82
Energy Flexible Buildings Towards Resilient Low Carbon Energy Systems.
Find out more Find out more about IEA EBC Annex 82.
Active Building Centre (ABC)
The Active Building Centre’s vision is to transform the UK construction and energy sectors through the deployment of Active Buildings contributing to more efficient energy use and decarbonisation.
Find out more Find our more about the Active Building Centre here.
Low carbon climate-responsive Heating and Cooling of Cities (LoHCool)
LoHCool focuses on 'Delivering economic and energy-efficient heating and cooling to city areas of different population densities and climates'.
Building life-cycle evolutionary design methodology able to create energy-efficient buildings flexibly connected with the neighbourhood energy system.
Sustainable Community Energy Networks (SCENe)
Accelerating the adoption of Community Energy Systems at Nottingham’s Trent Basin housing development.
SECURE: SElf Conserving URban Environments
Developing a regional model of housing energy demand as part of a large EPSRC-funded consortium project.
Find out more about SECURE: SElf Conserving URban Environments.
4M: An Evidence-Based Methodology for Understanding and Shrinking the Urban Carbon Footprint
An EPSRC-funded study investigating the urban carbon footprint carried out by five universities: Loughborough University, De Montfort University, Newcastle University, the University of Sheffield and the University of Leeds.
Dr Stephen Watson
Stephen's research expertise includes the analysis of monitored building energy demand and empirical modelling of energy demand. He has developed a new approach to modelling domestic energy demand based on monitored data.