Working with business
Improving the quality of the UK NHS healthcare estate
- Research contributed to the improvements in the management of NHS premises.

Loughborough’s research led to the development of a functionally coherent and responsive NHS Universal Premises Assurance Model, which provides the evidence base and process for effective monitoring and enforcement of compliance with national standards.
The research developed evidence and model-supported approaches to healthcare planning and strategic asset management alongside new theory on the interconnectivity of hospital systems and critical infrastructure, resulting in metrics for evaluating the resilience of hospitals to multiple hazards.
Industry endorsed
Established a UK system-wide tool for board-level assurance of NHS healthcare premises, endorsed by the Institute of Healthcare Engineering and Estate Management (IHEEM) and the Health Estates Facilities Management Association (HefmA)
Improved resource allocation
Provided benchmarking tools that Trusts can use to improve the management and allocation of resources
National compliance
Established a basis for National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), Care Quality Commission (CQC) and Monitor to enforce compliance with national standards and drive premises-related performance improvements throughout the system
Universal PAM adopted
Universal PAM adopted by NHS Property Services as part of governance and assurance of £40bn asset portfolio, covering estate, property and facilities.