Extra-curricular courses

These are courses that do not contribute credits towards your degree.

If you don't have the option to complete language modules as part of your degree, you can join any of our classes for a fee, providing they work with your timetable.


Who can attend: Anyone aged 18 or over (including staff and members of the public).

Duration: 20 weeks

Start date: Wednesdays from 9th October 2024

Room: To be advised.

Fees per year:

  • Students:  £162
  • Staff, Alumni, Campus Partners: £182
  • General Public:  £202

Class Times:

  • Level 1:  4.00-6.00pm
  • Level 2: 2.00-3.30pm

Recommended reading

Level 1 

Japanese for Busy People Book 1  4th Edition

Kana (Japanese alphabet) version ISBN 978-1-56836-620-3


Romanised version ISBN 978-1-56836-619-7

The version used will depend on each student's needs and situation. This will be decided by looking at both versions in the first lesson.

Level 2

Japanese for Busy People Vol.1, Revised 4th Edition, Kana version ISBN 978-1-56836-620-3.

Sign up for the Japanese course


Who can attend: students, postgraduate researchers, and staff.


  • Students/Postgraduate Researchers - £120
  • Staff - £140

Class duration: 2 x 50 minute lessons per week

Level: Beginner to advanced

Duration: 12 weeks

Sign up for the French course


Who can attend: Students, Post Graduate Researchers, Staff


  • Students/Post Graduate Researchers: £120
  • Staff: £140

Class duration: 2 x 50 minute lessons per week

Level: Beginner to advanced

Duration: 12 weeks

Sign up for the German course


Who can attend:  Students, Post Graduate Researchers, Staff


  • Students/Post Graduate Researchers: £120
  • Staff: £140

Class duration: 2 x 50 minute lessons per week

Level: Beginner to advanced

Duration: 12 weeks

Sign up for the Spanish course


Who can attend: Students, Post Graduate Researchers, Staff


  • Students/Post Graduate Researchers: £150
  • Staff: £170

Class duration: 3 x 50 minute lessons per week

Level: Beginner to intermediate

Duration: 12 weeks

Sign up for the Mandarin course

Additional Information


Regular attendance is vital in order to make progress with your course. If you fail to attend three or more classes without notifying your tutor or the Language Centre, you will be considered to have withdrawn. Your place may be offered to someone on the waiting list; no refund will be given.


Before the classes start

We always aim to be flexible and accommodate any requests but if for any reason you are not able to join us, we can issue you a refund. Just send us an email at: languages@lboro.ac.uk.

After classes start

We hope you enjoy the course but if you change your mind, we will issue a refund if no more than one week of classes has taken place (subject to an administration fee of 10%).  Do contact us as early as possible if your circumstances change.


The University reserves the right to cancel any course which does not recruit a viable number of students. A full refund will be given in this case, including where a first class may have been attended.