Department of Materials


Dr Rui Han Pronouns: He/him

Photo of Dr Rui Han


Dr Han finished his PhD in mechanical engineering at Newcastle University in 2023. His PhD project focus on the effects of osmolarity on the mechanical properties of bacterial cells using AFM. Prior to this, his research was focused on the micro/nanomechanics of microcapsules and their durability assessed through nanoindentation techniques. In 2023, he embarked on a new journey as a research associate in the field of Mecha-bioengineering. He is currently engaged in a project titled "Biofilm Resistant Liquid-like Solid Surfaces in Flow Situations," which is supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). Dr Han is driven by the goal to make a significant, enduring, and recognized contribution in his field. He is dedicated to unravelling the fundamental scientific questions surrounding cell mechanics, cell-material interactions, with the ultimate aim of advancing biofilm control strategies and expediting disease treatment processes.


  • Newcastle University, PhD
  • Shenzhen University, MEng
  • Taiyuan University of Technology, BEng

