Managing your money at university can be a challenge and is often a subject that isn’t discussed. The Student Advice and Support Service (SASS), alongside colleagues in the Student Success Academy, based in Student Services, can help you navigate this and maximise your money.
They have put together a package of resources to support with the following:
- Learning to budget your money
- Money saving tips
- Discovering work opportunities through the Careers Network
- Accessing information on bursaries, scholarships and grants (supported by SASS team)
You can also complete the Money Management badge on Personal Best, which includes activities such as Healthy Eating on a Budget, How to Make Money and Navigating Cost of Living Challenges.
If you are experiencing financial hardship due to unforeseen circumstances since starting your course, you may also be eligible for a grant from the Hardship Fund (subject to eligibility).
If you require further guidance or advice, you can contact the Student Advice and Support Service by emailing, completing this form or calling at +44(0)1509 222 765.