Realising success will require a combination of continuing to deliver on our current areas of strength and prioritising new strategic change projects to ensure that we use our resources effectively.
Through extensive consultation, six core plans were finalised focusing on delivering each of the key strategic aims. Progress against each plan is now overseen by a Core Plan Board, with members responsible for monitoring existing projects and activities, as well as identifying and overseeing new ones as they arise, and phasing work appropriately over the next five years to deliver these plans.
Each Core Plan Board has consulted with key stakeholders and associated committees, to agree which new projects are ‘strategic’ and will be prioritised for the 2024-25 academic year.
What is defined as a strategic change project?
There are a number of factors when considering whether a project should be treated as a strategic change project or ‘business as usual’. Generally, such factors are likely to depend on the complexity, scale, and organisational impact of the project, as well as asking questions such as - ‘If we don’t do the project, what is the risk?’.
Strategic change projects usually:
- Have significant impacts across the University
- Substantially contribute to the University’s Strategy and
- Deliver significant change within a clearly defined time period
They are not projects aimed at improving the day-to-day operational activity and performance of a particular function.
What projects have been approved and how can I see them?
The projects proposed by Core Plan Boards were submitted to the Strategic Portfolio and Resources Committee (SPaRC-A) in late 2024. SPaRC-A undertook a process of prioritising the submitted projects from all Core Plan Boards and as a result 19 projects have been approved to move forward.
We have now released the new Strategy in Action website, an online space with more information about our core plans and strategic change projects, who to talk to about getting more involved or proposing a new change project, and guidance, advice, and information that shares good practice to enhance the project and change management skills of staff across the University.
See which projects have been approved for 2024/25.
If I have a new change project that I am planning, what do I need to do?
If you have an idea for a new change project, the first question to consider is whether it is a strategic project in nature. All new strategic change projects will need to be submitted to Core Plan Boards for consideration before onward submission to SPaRC-A.
Alongside this project prioritisation process, SPaRC also has a Part B resources committee which is responsible for agreeing the funding for new strategic change projects, as well as agreeing internal resources (the business formally covered by Operations Committee). Read more information on the role of SPaRC-A and SPaRC-B.
The Strategic Portfolio Management Office (SPMO) is on hand to help and guide colleagues through the process for submitting new change project ideas, so please contact them (see below) and they can connect you with the best people to talk to.
How will I be kept updated on progress?
Please keep your eye on the Strategy in Action webpages as we will add more content over the coming months relating to both Core Plan Board updates and guidance to support project managers.
You can also look out for the launch of our ‘Strategy in Action’ newsletter. Editions of this newsletter will be published regularly and shared through the weekly staff e-newsletter. Each edition will provide the latest updates, with ‘in focus’ features on specific projects within the Strategic Portfolio.
If you have any questions or are planning a future project and would welcome some guidance, please contact the Strategic Portfolio Management Office.