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Having joined CRSP in April 2024, I focus on qualitative components of the projects we undertake, primarily working on the Minimum Income Standard (MIS) London data collection and analysis.
My background is in international development. My research interests relate to how people piece together a livelihood and meet their needs, the barriers they face in doing so, and their aspirations and motivations. I have conducted and led research on a variety of topics in the East and Horn of Africa related to my interests, including global health, financial inclusion, rural livelihoods, food systems, and gender. I have extensive fieldwork experience in Kenya in particular.
My doctorate from the University of Liverpool, in affiliation with the International Livestock Research Institute in Nairobi, explored the financial lives of smallholder farmers in western Kenya, and particularly sought to understand the role of financial providers in helping people make ends meet. I also hold an MRes in Decision Making Under Risk and Uncertainty from University of Liverpool, as well as an MA in Environment, Development, and Policy and BA in International Development from the University of Sussex.
Recent Publications
- Davis, A., Blackwell, C., Ellis, W., Padley, M., Stone, J. and Balchin, E. (2024) A Minimum Income Standard for the United Kingdom in 2024. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.