Clergy Support Trust

The Clergy Support Trust is the largest charity focussed on the wellbeing of Anglican clergy and their families, supporting thousands of households across the UK, Ireland, Diocese of Europe and Diocese of Sodor and Man. They offer support services and financial grants so that clergy and their families can thrive. Perhaps best-known for providing financial grants they also offer mental and physical health support through a visiting caseworker team, and work with specialist Partners to deliver essential services, like counselling and occupational therapies. The majority of grants are non-means-tested, including emergency, health and wellbeing grants. The Trust also offer larger financial support grants, which are means-tested. Applicants can complete an eligibility checker, to see if they meet the initial property and savings threshold.
The Trust also offer in-depth support for priority applicants who can benefit from their Visiting Caseworker service, which provides support for households with more complex need.
MIS is used to means-test their Financial Support grant applications which are designed to help in times of financial difficulty with larger needs. Applicants may apply once in every 12-month period.
In 2023, the Trust supported 395 households with 403 means-tested financial support grants amounting to £1,050,282.
Using empirical (independent/ impartial) data supplied by the Centre for Research in Social Policy to means-test applications, has given them the confidence to award grants in the knowledge that they are supporting those applicants in the greatest need, by comparing disposable household income whilst considering some household costs. It also allows them to decline applicants with the assurance that they are outside of their scope for support and be able to justify why.