Dr Vinícius Teixeira Pinto

Headshot of Externally Funded Fellow Dr Vinícius Teixeira Pinto

National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) Fellow

Universidade Federal de Pelotas

Vinícius Teixeira Pinto is CNPq portdoctoral research fellow (2025-), lecturer in the Department of Anthropology and Archaeology at the Federal University of Pelotas, Brazil (2023-2025) and member of the Anthropology of Economics and Politics Group (GAEP/UFRGS) and the Laboratory for Teaching, Research and Production in Anthropology of Image and Sound (Leppais/UFPel).

He completed his PhD in Social Anthropology (2022) in the PPGAS at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (PPGAS/UFRGS) and his doctoral dissertation was nominated for a Brazilian national award in the ANPOCS Thesis and Dissertation Contest in the Social Sciences. He also taught courses in Anthropology and Sociology at the Federal University of Pampa, Brazil (2016-2018). Has received different academic grants for study and research: an AUGM scholarship (2010) for an exchange programme at the Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina, a Capes scholarship (2013-2015) during his master's degree in Anthropology and another Capes scholarship (2018-2022) during his PhD in Anthropology. Has research experience in the anthropology of sport, the anthropology of politics, economic anthropology and the anthropology of music, and is currently interested in the themes of democracy, rights and citizenship beyond the realms of the state.

During their Fellowship, Dr Pinto is collaborating with Professor Richard Giulianotti from the School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences.