Residential Fellowships
IAS Residential Fellowships are open to outstanding international researchers from across all disciplines and career stages who wish to pursue a month-long research residency within the scholarly community of Loughborough University and its Institute of Advanced Studies.
The Residential Fellowship programme complements the portfolio of opportunities offered by the Institute to bring leading international scholars to Loughborough University as IAS Fellows.
IAS Residential Fellowships are open to outstanding international researchers from across all disciplines and career stages who wish to pursue a month-long research residency within the scholarly community of Loughborough University and its Institute of Advanced Studies. We regret that this scheme is not open to applicants currently undertaking doctoral research. In addition to established academics, we welcome applications from scholars, artists, writers, public intellectuals and policy-makers outside the academy, whose research profiles resonate with areas of specialism at LU. The University is fully committed to equality, diversity and inclusion in all areas, and the IAS encourages applications from international scholars from any field whose work contributes to our active promotion of interdisciplinary knowledge, intercultural understanding and social responsibility.
IAS Residential Fellowships are intended to enhance and extend Loughborough’s international research collaborations and networks, encourage innovative interdisciplinary research, and catalyse new and emergent directions for future research projects. To fulfil these ambitions, applicants for the IAS Residential Fellowship programme will be required to nominate an academic colleague or research group at the University with whom they would like to work during their tenure as a Fellow, or alternatively an IAS Research Summit due to take place in the coming academic year. To ensure a lasting legacy of international scholarly exchange through our Fellowships, we encourage applicants to our IAS Residential Fellowship programme to incorporate into their proposals plans for joint publications, joint applications for research funding and/or the development of future collaborative research activities with Loughborough colleagues.
ATAS Approval:
Please also consider if ATAS (Academic Technology Approval Scheme) approval is needed for your visit. ATAS is a scheme run by the UK government for international students who want to study certain subjects in the UK. The ATAS certificate is issued by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and gives security clearance to study these subjects. ATAS clearance only applies to certain subject areas, where the knowledge gained could be used in the development or delivery of weapons of mass destruction (e.g., certain science, engineering or technology subjects).
More details are available here on the Academic Technology Approval Scheme page.
If you are offered an IAS Residential Fellowship:
The IAS provides
- Return travel for the Fellow to Loughborough (we can provide support for visa applications if required, please indicate this on your application form);
- Bespoke, one-bedroom accommodation in the heart of Loughborough’s Midlands campus at the 'IAS Flat', or two-bedroom accommodation situated immediately outside the Loughborough Midlands campus in the 'IAS House'. (Please indicate on your application whether any family members will be travelling with you);
- A fixed stipend of £1500 to offset subsistence, local travel and/or incidental costs during your month-long stay;
- A flexible working base in International House, the home of the IAS, and access to the University Library (NB: we can explore access to more specialist equipment/facilities on a case-by-case basis as required, but cannot guarantee granting every request);
- Collegial support for your research project, including a lively intellectual environment, and the arrangement of formal and informal networking opportunities across the University;
- Provision for research collaborations with LU colleagues, including assistance in organising seminars, roundtables or other events agreed as part of the application.
- 1 to 1 session on funding opportunities with Loughborough University
IAS Residential Fellows are expected to
- Be in residence at LU, participate in IAS activities, and engage with staff and research students to develop ongoing intellectual collaborations and research outcomes;
- Share their research through presentations at the IAS, such as seminars, workshops or public-facing events (NB: All Fellows are expected to deliver at least one work-in-progress seminar, one workshop for doctoral researchers, and attend IAS Friends and Fellows Coffee Mornings, during their tenure);
- Write a short report on activities and achievements against objectives outlined at application stage (within 3 months of the end of the Fellowship);
- Acknowledge IAS support in any publications resulting from their Fellowship;
- Become a member of our Loughborough IAS Alumni community.
IAS Residential Fellowships are for a period of one calendar month, tenable at any point between August and July of the coming academic year, as agreed between the IAS and the Fellow. You will nominate your prefered month in the application form.
During the period of the Fellowship, Fellows are ordinarily expected to be in residence at the IAS on the University’s main campus in Loughborough. Where a Fellow’s research programme is linked to the work of a colleague or group at Loughborough’s London campus, the IAS will facilitate periods of stay at both campuses. Fellowships for longer or shorter periods of residence will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
You are advised to check any travel restrictions in your own country and in the UK before submitting your application.
This is an annual call, opening in January of each year and closing on the last Friday of April. The next deadline will be -
- 5pm on Friday 25th April 2025 - For visits taking place between August 2025 and July 2026
How to apply:
The IAS Residential Fellowship scheme is a competitive process and we expect to award between 6 and 10 Fellowships per academic year.
Please note: the application form was updated in January 2025, all future applications will need to use this new form, accessed via the link below.
Prospective Fellows must complete the required application form from the below link and submit this, along with a CV (4 pages max), to the IAS Team at by the deadline stated on the IAS website here. Decisions will be announced by the end of the current academic year in July.