Find out more about the Loughborough University academics and support staff impacting on the research, enterprise and teaching activity taking place at the National Rehabilitation Centre.

Dr Albert's research studies the technical structure of human social interaction and uses detailed analysis of how we do things together to design better technology for health and social care.

Dr Jamie Barker is a Chartered Sport and Exercise Psychologist with the British Psychological Society with over 20 years of experience working in business, professional sport and the military.
Dr Richard Blagrove is an Exercise Physiologist and Accredited Strength & Conditioning Coach with 15 years of experience supporting a wide variety of athletes across the performance spectrum.

Dr Blay specialises in Digital Inclusion and Resilience, and AI for asset monitoring and predictive maintenance. She is a member of the UK NHS Digital Estate Group.

Dr Glen Blenkinsop's research focuses on understanding technique and limits of performance in sporting activities.

Dr Katherine Brooke-Wavell's research interests are in exercise and bone health, particularly in the prevention of osteoporosis, osteoarthritis and stress fractures.

Dr Capel is a bioengineer whose research focuses on the development of bioengineered models of the musculoskeletal system during health, disease and injury.

Prof Chen currently holds EPSRC Established Career Fellowship with over 20 years’ experience in developing technologies for high levels of automation with potential in social and health care.

Karen Coopman is the Director of the EPSRC/MRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Regenerative Medicine and Chair of ESACT-UK with over 10 years experience working in regenerative medicine.

Dr Georgina Cosma has expertise in Data Science and AI. Her research focus is on multi-modal information retrieval and classification, predictive modelling in healthcare, and ethical AI.

Dr Coveney is a medical sociologist researching how people with complex chronic health issues interact with (medical) technologies and other networks of care to ‘live well’ with disability.

Dr Davies specialises in musculoskeletal biology, focusing on the manufacture and application of cell-derived nanoparticles for the treatment of tissue injuries and for targeted drug delivery.

Dr Ishara develops smart textiles to autonomously sense human movements for telerehabilitation applications, with over 10 years of experience in nanotechnology and wearable electronics areas.
Dr Dugdale specialises in skeletal muscle biology. Her research focuses on understanding muscle disease and the role regeneration plays in exacerbating or even causing symptoms.

Dr Dale Esliger focuses on the enhancement of accelerometric profiling of physical activity to advance understanding of the interplay between physical activity, sedentary behavior, and health.

Dr Jon Farmer is an expert in the design and development of human surrogate devices for the investigation of traumatic brain injuries and advancement of injury prevention.

Dr Ferguson's work focuses on improving human performance and health through exercise training and novel interventions; particularly in skeletal muscle and peripheral vascular adaptations.

Prof Folland focuses on neuromuscular function, training and performance - including underpinning anatomy, physiology and mechanics - and their application to sport, health and rehabilitation.

Dr Daniel Fong has a PhD in Orthopaedics and Traumatology and experience in clinical research, mainly on ankle and knee ligamentous injury mechanism, prevention and rehabilitation.

Dr Gokal’s research explores health-related behaviour change interventions particularly for the prevention and management of cancer.

Dr Grey investigates how neuroplasticity can be harnessed following brain injury to inform neurorehabilitation practise. He also has an interest in sport-related mild traumatic brain injury.

Dr Hamann is interested in rehabilitation and care related to brain injuries and aging. His research focuses on how different aspects of care and recovery are sociomedical.

Dr Hancox explores motivation and adherence with a focus on the role of significant others (exercise instructors, health professionals, caregivers) in supporting those they interact with.

Dr Jiang’s main research interests focus on: shared-control (i.e. Human-machine interactions), the development of Advanced Driver Assistant Systems, and autonomous vehicles.

Dr Leicht’s research focuses on tailoring exercise prescription to populations with disability, and investigating alternatives to exercise (e.g., heat, limb occlusion) to benefit their health.

Prof Lewis is a cell and molecular biologist with over 25 years of experience developing in vitro 3D models of functional bioengineered musculoskeletal tissues.

Prof Baihua Li has research expertise in novel AI theory and innovation in the fields of human motion analysis, healthcare, autonomous systems, sports science and computer-aided diagnosis.

Dr Claire Madigan is a behavioural scientist whose research focuses on weight management and Prehabilitation to improve health outcomes prior to surgery.

Dr Raman Maiti is a lecturer working on the design and development of rehabilitation devices with a focus on biomechanics and tribology.

Stuart’s research focuses on the integration of wearable technology and musculoskeletal modelling to provide estimates of post-impact loading on tissues during training and rehabilitation.

Prof Meng’s research focuses on intelligent robotics, service and assistive robotics, AI, deep learning, trustworthy AI, computer vision, embedded intelligence and human-robot interaction.

Dr Merryweather specializes in neuromuscular tissue engineering. Part of the EU NeuCHIP project, he is developing microfabricated platforms for biological AI and neuronal computing devices.

Dr Mohammed has over 10 years experience in the development of medical device technology, focusing on patient specific solutions across diagnostic, prosthetic and orthotic technologies.

Prof Munir specialises in developing and trialling sustainable return-to-work interventions, underpinned by CBT principles, goal-setting and problem solving.

Dr Roger Newport is a cognitive psychologist who specialises in sensorimotor processing and mental representations of the body with respect to health, wellbeing and rehabilitation.

Dr O'Brien is a sports scientist with broad research interests in disability & para-sport including physiological & thermoregulatory responses to exercise, & optimising training & performance.

Dr Paine investigates the interactions between the biological mechanisms of psychological stress, physical activity and sitting time in the context of disease prevention and progression.

Dr Rasciute’s research focuses on analysing the relationship between health and wellbeing with economic factors as well as social and human capital by applying quantitative econometric models.

Dr Paul Sanderson has a broad area of interest across musculoskeletal injury including injury prevention, pre-habilitation and treatment.

Dr Jakob Škarabot's research focuses on neural determinants of muscle actions, and their adaptation with ageing, musculoskeletal pathologies, and exercise.

Dr Sykora studies the role social media and online platforms can have on health outcomes and how ethical big data analytics can meaningfully inform public health and digital epidemiology.

Dr Tako is an expert in using systems thinking and simulation modelling tools to evaluate and improve the efficiency of health and social care organisations.

Dr Taylor explores motivation & adherence-related issues in rehabilitation contexts (e.g. stroke, musculoskeletal impairments), with the aim of optimising physical & psychological functioning.

Dr Taylor specialises in environmental extremes (heat, cold and hypoxia), harnessing their therapeutic potential to enhance rehabilitation or preparing elite athletes to compete in them.

Prof Tolfrey is a sport scientist whose research focuses on the ergonomics of wheeled mobility (physical activity to high performance sport), with expertise in Para sport physiology.

Dr Torres is the lead of the Multifunctional Materials Manufacturing Lab and works at the interface with design, mechanical and bio-engineering, materials and physical, in-silico validation.

Professor Wheeler's research focuses on the medical management of musculoskeletal disease, particularly tendinopathy.

Dr Wilcockson is a cognitive neuropsychologist whose research focuses on utilising novel eye tracking software and hardware approaches to aid in patient diagnosis.

Prof Zecca's research focuses on the use of robotic services for preventative care amongst older adults at risk of frailty.

Dr Diwei Zhou has expertise in brain and muscle Diffusion MRI data analysis. Her research focus is on statistical modelling, bayesian statistics, shape analysis and uncertainty quantification.