Fluid Intake
Before Exercise
- Drink upon waking and continue to sip fluids little and often to ensure you are hydrated before exercise.
- An isotonic sports drink can offer additional energy and can be useful if you struggle to consume adequate food prior to exercise.
- A meal three to four hours before exercise should be relatively low in fat and fibre, high in carbohydrate and contain a moderate amount of protein.
- If needed, eat a high carb snack 30-60 minutes before exercise.
During Exercise
- Drink according to thirst to prevent dehydration (more than a 2% body weight loss).
- For light to moderate exercise for short periods, water should be sufficient.
- Include electrolytes (sodium) for exercise in the heat or exercise that lasts more than 60 minutes.
- For hard exercise lasting more than 60-90 minutes you can consume carbohydrate foods to provide a source of readily available energy. This is usually in a fluid or gel form.
After Exercise
- Replace ~120-150% of fluid loss (calculate by weighing yourself pre- and post-exercise).
- include electrolytes to help retain the fluid you are drinking. This can be in a drink, snack or as part of a recovery meal.
- After an intense or prolonged session, carbohydrate foods will help replenish the carbohydrate (glycogen) stores used during exercise.
- The addition of protein, especially after resistance exercise, will provide amino acids for the building and repair of muscle tissue, 15-25 g is sufficient.
Be Prepared. Things go wrong. Times get moved. Rain stops play. Be prepared and do not let these changes interfere with your preparation. Always travel to a competition with enough food and drink to cover every eventuality.