New Research Staff

A very warm welcome to Loughborough University! This webpage contains a wide range of important information that we encourage you to familiarise yourselves with from the outset of your employment here. We also recommend that you to occasionally refer back to this webpage to refresh your knowledge on what support is available to you.
Human Resources 'New Staff' Webpages: Essential information for those new to Loughborough, or new to supporting someone starting at Loughborough, on the following topics:
- Induction
- Loughborough University campuses
- Support & wellbeing
- Immigration
- Pay, pension & rewards
- Recruitment & probation
- Conditions of service
- Equity, diversity & inclusion
- Staff benefits
- Leave, absense & working arrangements
- Conduct & capability
- Organisational change
- Promotion, honorary & visitor status
- Policy, proecdure and forms
Research staff employment Code of Practice: Guidance which outlines the responsibilities of the University, managers of researchers and research staff themselves whilst at Loughborough University
Working in the Current Research Environment: Bookable via the Organisational Development Hub, this half-day workshop is specifically for research staff, either new to the institution or new to a staff role involving research, and provides a comprehensive overview of the support available for researchers throughout the different stages of the research cycle.
Loughborough University Staff Fair: Bookable via the Organisational Development Hub, he Loughborough University Staff Fair is an opportunity for staff, new and existing, to come and meet Professional Services, Staff Networks and other University Groups such as the Trade Unions and the Community Wardens. The fair will include over 30 exhibitors.
Campus Tour Welcome to Loughborough: Bookable via the Orgnanisational Development Hub, this is a walking tour around the East Midlands campus pointing out places of interest, key buildings and facilities alongside some history of the University. It is also a great opportunity to meet colleagues from across the University.