A graduate of the Universities of Cambridge and Warwick, Ben Ferrett is a Senior Lecturer in Economics at Loughborough University. Previously, he worked as a Research Fellow at the Nottingham Centre for Research on Globalisation and Economic Policy. He is an applied game theorist with research interests in international trade, industrial organisation and public economics, while most of his teaching focuses on the economics of globalisation.
A unifying theme in Ben’s research is the study of the strategic decisions of large firms that enjoy market power. Recent and ongoing research projects have studied fiscal competition between host countries for the investments of footloose multinationals, and the choice between horizontal merger and research joint venture when there are synergies between competing firms’ R&D activities. Ben has received research funding from the Economic and Social Research Council and the British Academy, and he has published papers in leading journals such as Economica, the Canadian Journal of Economics, Regional Science and Urban Economics and International Tax and Public Finance.
Module organiser
- ECB005 International Economic Relations (Semester 1)
- ECC013 International Economic Relations (Semester 1)
- ECC031 International Trade (Semester 1)
- ECP259 Economics of International Business (Semester 2)