- Project timeframe
- 1 May 2021 - 30 March 2024
- Research area
- Transport Safety
- Amount awarded
- £233k
- Funder ID
- European Union Horizon 2020
Project leader: Dr. Ashleigh Filtness
The acronym PANACEA stands for 'PracticAl and effective tools to moNitor and Assess CommErciAl drivers’ fitness to drive'. The PANACEA consortium consists of 16 partners, including researchers and industry/technology partners from across Europe.
The PANACEA project aims to create a holistic pre-driving, during driving and roadside monitoring and assessment system of driving ability. This will be paired with cloud-based countermeasure and coaching solutions.
PANACEA will create driver-orientated, health-based and Use Case driven health monitoring and assessment solutions which can detect impairment due to alcohol, licit (barbituric), illicit (methadone replacement) drugs, fatigue, stress, and cognitive load. Drivers detected as ‘un-fit’ by the assessment/monitoring technology will received personalised and targeted support from the cloud-based system. Commercial Health Toolkits (CHTs) which combine assessment/monitoring techniques with countermeasure solutions, aim to support and provide knowledge for drivers and operators alike, available before/after/during shifts as well as on site and roadside. The project aims to evaluate the CHTs with drivers, operators and stakeholders across 3 Use Case driven pilots in Greece (taxi and courier service), Spain (e-truck and coach) and Sweden (AV shuttle bus). A 4th Use Case will focus on transferability to other transport modes. Loughborough University lead Work Package 5, which focuses on countermeasures.
Principle Investigator: Dr Ashleigh Filtness
Co-Investigator: Rachel Talbot