I chose to do my Foundation at Loughborough after a tour round the campus and studios. I was impressed with the bright and spacious studio spaces and the different hubs available. I was also keen to go to Loughborough as it was not an arts-only university and wanted to be able to engage with students across other fields as well as the creative arts.
Tutors on the course were supportive and exposed me to new methods, references, and mediums I had not used before. The facilities available allowed me to explore a range of practices with very experienced technicians to help and give advice.
Although I was pretty sure I wanted to continue onto a Fine Art degree, the Foundation year gave me the opportunity to explore other pathways and possible courses before making that final decision. I decided to continue onto the degree at Loughborough as I felt supported by the teaching staff and felt that the facilities and studio spaces available to me were of a high quality.

I most enjoyed being able to create every day (after A Levels with several subjects to think about) and getting the support I needed to progress in what I was making. It made me certain that a career in the arts was a path I wanted to go down. I liked the freedom we had on the foundation course to create and be responsible for creating, and this transferred seamlessly onto the degree.
My advice to anyone thinking about studying this course is do it! It is only a year and you will learn a lot about yourself and your creative practice. The social aspects of University life on campus also gives you the opportunity to spread your wings.