I chose to study the course at Loughborough due to its diversity in the programme. At the time of applying I had wanted to study solely Graphic Design, but the inclusion of illustration interested me, and I eventually leant towards illustration and now work as a full-time illustrator. The ambassadors on the open day were friendly and approachable and were able to answer any questions I had about the course, it seemed like a friendly place to be.
The tutors, especially in final year, were excellent in giving feedback and pushing the students to achieve the best of their abilities. With most of the tutors still working in their industries they were always happy to answer questions on live briefs and had invaluable knowledge. I am so grateful for the support and advice from the tutors. The screen-printing facilities were amazing, and I wish I had taken more time to use these.
Since graduating I now run Pickle Illustration full-time alongside fellow Loughborough Graduate, Olivia Collins. We work as an illustration duo creating bespoke outcomes for businesses and communities. These range from mural designs, promotional material, packaging and running workshops. We run the business and creative side of Pickle Illustration and I thoroughly enjoy the variety this brings to each day!

Without the help of some specific tutors (Namely Richard Johnson and Fran Collins) I would not have the confidence to feel I could have made a success of Pickle. They have given honest advice as well as continued support. It has also helped me develop social skills and the ability to talk about my work which is one of the most important skills a design student needs.
One of my greatest achievements to date was the success of our Pickle Postcards campaign. We ran an illustrated and handwritten postcard service at the start of the lockdown due to COVID. This was such a rewarding project which was firstly a passion project but also benefitted the business hugely, bringing in new customers and launching our online shop.
My advice to anyone considering studying Graphics at Loughborough is to get as most out of the resources, tutors, and facilities. It is all worthwhile, and you never stop learning. This is something you hugely miss when you leave. Keep all the feedback tutors have given you as it is so important to keep referring to what you need to improve on.
Loughborough has inspired me to start a creative business straight out of University. I am so proud to have achieved this and it could not have been possible without the support and guidance of all staff at Loughborough. I am a different person to when I arrived at the University and this is mostly due to a dramatic increase in confidence thanks to the University lifting its students up in all situations.