Research priorities
Our core research priorities are organised around broad interdisciplinary research themes: Connected Infrastructure, Digital Manufacturing, Net Zero, Sports Engineering and Human Factors, Advanced Manufacturing and Systems Engineering.

Connected Infrastructure
Lead: Professor Will Whittow
As the world strives for peace, dignity and equality on a healthy planet, intelligent use of data to connect infrastructure is essential. We are working to create sustainable, inclusive, and healthy communities through the effective networking of intelligent connected objects and infrastructure.

Net Zero
Lead: Professor Philip Eames
Loughborough has been at the forefront of renewable energy technologies for over 25 years. We continue to shape the sustainable energy landscape, supporting innovation, resourcing policy development and increasing knowledge through proactive dissemination.

Sports Engineering and Human Factors (SEHF)
Lead: Professor Steph Forrester
Loughborough has a proud history of pioneering work in the engineering of sports products. Our work in this area highlights the importance of sport in enhancing our physical and mental health, as well as being integral to our societal and cultural development.

Advanced Manufacturing
Lead: Professor Peter Kinnell
Manufacturing has been an integral part of Loughborough University since it was founded in 1909 as a Technical Institute with an Instructional Factory. Today our focus is on Metrology and Measurement, Intelligent Automation and Circular Economy and Sustainability.

Systems Engineering at Loughborough
Lead: Professor: Michael Henshaw
Systems Engineering is a transdisciplinary approach that integrates all disciplines and specialty groups into a team effort, developing an innovation from concept to fully operational system.