Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical Modelling

The mission of the Centre is to develop mathematical models to generate fundamental understanding of matter on all scales ranging from the small microscopic to macroscopic. Applications will range from the quantum to new materials for technology. Such multiscale modelling requires multi and interdisciplinary research methods that will facilitate transfer of knowledge from fundamental science to application in industry.
Current research foci
- Quantum technology
- Quantum and Classical Many-Body Dynamics
- Multiscale materials modeling
- Soft matter
- Thermodynamics on the microscale
- Nanostructured materials
- Active materials
- Quantum devices
- Nano and micro fluidics
- Surface science
- Self assembly and structure formations
- Energy devices
- Professor Tapio Ala-Nissilä (Centre Director)
- Professor Andy Archer (Deputy Centre Director)
- Dr Jan Cammann
- Dr Marco Discacciati
- Dr Achilleas Lazarides
- Dr Marco Mazza
- Professor Fabio Marchesoni (Visiting Professor), Camerino Italy
- Dr Maddie Moore
- Dr Gyula Toth
- Dr John Samson
- Professor Sergey Saveliev
- Dr David Sibley
- Dr Dmitri Tseluiko
- Dr John Ward
- Dr Alexandre Zagoskin
- Professor Janet Anders (Exeter)
- Professor Juan Garrahan (Nottingham)
- Dr Halim Kusumaatmaja (Durham)
- Professor Andy Parry (Imperial)
- Professor Vadim Silberschmidt
Events coordinated by the Centre
During term time we have a weekly group meeting. Contact Andy Archer to be added to the mailing list for this.
In addition, the Centre also organised:
- International ICMM Workshop on Mathematical Modelling: From Bio to Quantum, 21-22 May 2018
- Minisymposium at Dynamics Days 2018, 3-7 September