Professor Eef Hogervorst
Professor of Psychology
Our academics are leading the future of the understanding and treatment of dementia. Psychology Professor, Eef Hogervorst, discusses her research into early diagnosis and protective factors.
Meet Eef

My name is Eef, and I am a Professor of Psychology in the School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences.
Exploring risk and protective factors for dementia and age-related cognitive decline
My interests are in early dementia screening and treatment. I set up collaborations with UK universities in Oxford, Cambridge and London, as well as multiple partners abroad, such as Shanghai, Bangalore and Perth, to assess my test battery. This research included the use of standardised questionnaires to investigate risk and protective factors for dementia and age-related cognitive decline, which is funded by the Alzheimer’s Research Trust and other bodies, such as the New Dynamics of Ageing (investigating the use of ICT).
I lead research that aims to transform dementia care, diagnosis and prevention methods, and to save the lives of thousands each year. The Dementia Research Group investigates early diagnostics and modifiable risk and protective factors for dementia worldwide using automated tests of cognition, gait, activity and physiology.
I am also involved in exercise, sex steroid and nutritional treatment programs to improve cognitive function and mood in the elderly, and I am currently examining the impacts of menopause, hormones, inequality and health, particularly focusing on the relation of the brain and menopause research.
I really enjoy working with talented thinkers and recognise that studying and researching for a degree is tough and an individual can doubt themselves a lot. That is why a good supervisor is so important, to support you mentally, as well as in content and process, allowing you to develop your own strengths to become an independent and critical thinker.
The other aspect that I enjoy is travelling and speaking at international conferences, meeting people to discuss collaborative research and listening to their work to get ideas. The freedom and opportunity to do this is fantastic. I am always surprised that someone is willing to pay me for what I love doing most. ‘Do what you enjoy and you never work a day in your life’ said Mark Twain.
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Get in touch
If you would like to get in touch with Professor Eef Hogervorst about collaborating, you can email her at