Dr Hilary McDermott
Senior Teaching Fellow
Our academics are leading the future of teaching and learning. Programme Leader, Hilary McDermott, discusses her experience as a teaching specialist.
Meet Hilary

My name is Hilary, and I am Programme Leader for Psychology within SSEHS and a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Exploring innovation, student learning, and the student experience
I have been awarded six institutional Teaching Innovation Awards and with the support of the 2012 Award, I developed the 'E-Qual' Coding App. In 2022, I was awarded the National Teaching Fellowship by Advance HE in recognition of the impact of my work on student outcomes and the teaching profession in higher education.
I have established myself as a teaching specialist and have placed student learning at the heart of everything I have done throughout my teaching career, with the drive to improve student experience through teaching innovation. I have extensive experience of delivering innovation in the teaching of qualitative research methods in Psychology and have initiated and successfully implemented various developments within and beyond the curriculum.
Day to day, I lead the SSEHS Scholarship and Teaching Group within the School, and thoroughly enjoy collaborating with colleagues and taking a lead in matters such as curriculum development and design, assessment processes, review and enhancement processes, marketing and recruitment. I also support and contribute to enhancement planning as it relates to learning and teaching and wider student experience.
Read more about Hilary's research
Explore Dr Hilary McDermott's latest research publications
Get in touch
If you would like to get in touch with Dr Hilary McDermott about collaborations, you can email her at H.J.McDermott@lboro.ac.uk.
Please call the press office on 01509 223491 to arrange an interview with Dr Hilary McDermott.