Clare holds a BSc (Hons) degree in Psychology (University of Leicester) and an MSc in Exercise and Sport Psychology (University of Exeter). Her PhD (University of Bristol) explored the role of exercise in cancer rehabilitation and was followed by research fellowships in physical activity and cancer (University of Alberta) and cancer supportive care (University of Manchester).

Clare came to Loughborough in 2010 as Lecturer in Behavioural Aspects of Physical Activity and Health.

Clare’s research involves the determinants and outcomes of physical activity for general and clinical populations. She has a specific focus on capitalising on accessible outdoor recreational exercise opportunities for engaging inactive individuals. Her work has included populations with cancer, obesity, kidney disease, and mental disorders.  

Clare has been involved with several cancer charities as a research consultant, expert advisor or trustee and is a founding member of the parkrun research board. She undertakes regular journal and grant reviewing, guest lecturing and external examining.

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