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Find out more about the academic researchers working in the area of Sport, Physical Activity and Education for Development at Loughborough University.

Dr. Armstrong's research focuses on cultural competence in Applied Sport Psychology practice in addition to the mental health and wellbeing of performers in sport and physical activity.
Dr Bandura is working on an ESRC funded project in collaboration with the University of Stirling examining the role of alcohol consumption in football cultures.

Prof Cale’s research focuses on the promotion of health and active lifestyles in schools, specifically on the critique and enhancement of related policy and pedagogical practice.

Dr Casey’s research focuses on curriculum redesign and pedagogical approaches in physical education. This work explores how teachers’ learn about and enact change in their local context.

Dr Coates' research focuses on the heath, wellbeing and experiences of marginalised young people in physical education and sport. She is also interested in disability and outdoor learning.

Dr Collison-Randall's research focuses on global critical social issues including conflict, violent extremism and youth crime cultures and the impacts of sport interventions.

Dr Costa’s research focuses on the measurement of physical activity and sedentary behaviour of young children, and the socio-ecological factors that influence these activity behaviours.

Prof. Croffie’s interest lie in equity, equality, diversity, inclusion and social justice. This extends to engaging in activities that foster health and wellbeing.

Amanda is a Professor of Behavioural Medicine and Director of the Centre for Lifestyle Medicine and Behaviour. Her work investigates the effects of lifestyle interventions on health outcomes.

Dr Deal focuses on PYD through sport. His work looks to bridge the gap between the individual benefits of youth sport and community impact through the concept of 'contribution'.

Nik’s research explores race, gender and national identity within representations of sport and popular culture, focusing on diversity, cannabis use and activism in sport and the media.

Dr Doidge's research focuses on the role of sport in improving society in the face of global challenges; specifically it’s impact on climate action and in supporting refugees & asylum seekers.

Prof Downward is an economist who investigates the factors that influence and constrain engagement with sport and physical activity evaluating the impacts for individuals and society.

Dr. Furtado carries out projects related to governance, management and strategic planning in public and private entities related to sports and physical activity.

Prof Giulianotti's research is on sport for development and peace, including conflict resolution, tackling social inequalities, environmental protection, crime reduction and health promotion.

Prof Griffiths leads Loughborough University’s global research challenge in health and wellbeing. Her research focuses on global health and early child development in the global South.

Dr Hancox’s research explores motivation and adherence to health behaviours (e.g., physical activity, exercise) in diverse population groups.

Prof Hardy’s research adopts a life course approach to explore modifiable biological & social risk factors that influence health & ageing and the development of social inequalities in health.

Dr Hayday’s research examines positive and negative practices that occur in virtual environments, including the potential for esport to be used as a vehicle for social change and inclusion.

Prof. Ian Hodgkinson’s public management research focus has unveiled the role of ownership types in sport & leisure for realising a range of citizen-centric & facility-centric outcomes.

Dr Hooper’s research explores young people’s experiences within physical education, health and youth sport with a specific focus on ‘youth voice’ and the experiences of marginalised youth.

Sophia's work investigates the characteristics of interpersonal environments within which people thrive. Key topics include interpersonal relationships, leadership and communication.
Dr Kenyon's research focuses on the impacts and strategic marketing/management of sport events and organisations, from community-based organisations to their international counterparts.

Dr Kinnafick is an Exercise Psychologist. Her research explores the role of physical activity in improving the physical & mental health of people with mental health problems & mental illness.

Dr Maidment explores how physical activity can be facilitated in people living with physical and sensory disabilities to reduce risk of developing chronic diseases and improve mental health.

Prof Malcolm’s research focuses on the intersection of sport, medicine and health. He explores the personal experiences and policies for sports participation directed at enhancing human health

Dr Mason explores sport and social justice, with a focus on child rights in football, the role of sport in tackling crime, and equity and diversity within community coaching.

Dr Monserrat-Revillo's research focuses on sport facilities and the use of NVivo for data analysis.

Dr Munir specialises in improving physical and mental health and wellbeing in organisations using behaviour change theories and concepts.

Hibbah researches global health & nutrition in low- and middle-income countries, including lifestyle (diet & physical activity) behaviour change interventions for black minority ethnic groups.

Dr Papathomas adopts interpretive methodologies to understand lives of marginalised populations, such as athletes with mental illness and people who experience disability or chronic disease.

Natalie’s research focuses on physical activity, sedentary behaviour and dietary behaviours in children and adolescents, and interventions to improve the health and wellbeing of young people.

Dr Piggin is an academic whose research focuses on physical activity policy and its effects on local populations.

Verity’s research focuses on international sport events, specifically on how sport and other cultural entities have been used in local, national and international contexts to govern society.

Dr Pullen’s research focuses on social inclusion and diversity in sport, with particular interest in gender equities and feminist research, disability and Paralympic sport, and digital media.

Dr Rhind's research relates to understanding how human rights can be respected in, around and through sport. He has particular expertise in the development and maintenance of safe sport.

Prof Rousham’s research aims to develop community-based interventions to address global health challenges including maternal and child health, malnutrition and antimicrobial resistance.

Dr Sandford’s research centres on young people’s development in physical education, physical activity and sport, with a focus on popular culture, embodied identity and youth development.

Prof Sherar’s research focuses on measuring physical activity behaviour to develop real-world interventions to enhance the health and wellbeing of children and young people globally.

Dr Smith's research focuses on the role of community sport in supporting the wellbeing and social inclusion of young people from marginalised backgrounds.

Dr Spray’s research focuses on young people’s motivation and psychosocial development in physical education and sport including the roles of teachers, coaches and parents.

Dr Stamp’s research focuses on exploring and improving health related behaviours (e.g., physical activity, sedentary behaviour) and wellbeing in a diverse range of populations.

Dr Stirrup’s research centres on Physical Education/Physical Development and its role within young people lives from the early years through to secondary education.

Dr Tak’s research interests include integrity issues in sport (match-fixing, sports betting, corruption, abuse, etc.) and sport development systems and programmes.

Dr Taylor is a psychologist and expert in human motivation, engagement, and adherence. He has investigated these constructs in many contexts, including child physical education and sport.

Dr Varela-Silva is a Human Biologist who uses a biocultural approach to study health and nutrition outcomes among minority groups and indigenous communities in low-and-middle income countries.
Dr Walpole is an academic researcher who specialises in the use of sport for the prevention and reduction of serious youth violence.

Gareth is a social scientist carrying out research about the social determinants of health. He has specialist knowledge in qualitative research and publishes across a range of disciplines.

Dr Witcomb is an academic psychologist whose work explores the influence of gender/gender identity on body image, physical activity, mental health, and inclusion.

Jennifer leads the "Para Sport Against Stigma" project, reducing disability stigma through sport in Sub-Saharan Africa. She specialises in project strategy and sport for development.

Dr Serhat Yilmaz’s research expertise is on two important and intertwined issues that affects the integrity and social role of sport: the protection of young athletes and sports agents.