Accessibility Guidelines

The Library accessibility guidance contains checklists and guidance to try and simplify government regulations and advisory information to make it easier to implement accessible resources. It contains checklists of all the minimum criteria that presentations, video recordings and documents should conform to.

Accessibility Checklist – Presentations


  • Where possible, use the Loughborough University standard templates. These are accessible regarding:
    • Clear and consistent structure
    • Minimum point size for all slide text
    • Unique title set up for each slide
    • Suitable text box layout
  • Where possible, align text to the left and keep a consistent layout
    • Government guidance for designing for users with Dyslexia
    • Lboro slide templates have accessible text boxes
  • Give each slide a unique title. This may mean using numbers if a topic is spread across two slides e.g. Key databases 1 and Key databases 2 
    • Allows for easy navigation for all users
    • Lboro slide templates have unique titles
  • Avoid distracting slide transitions
    • can cause visual disturbances


  • Keep content short, clear and simple
    • Avoid ‘crowding’ slides with too much information. If lots of information is needed, split it across slides, or use the Notes field to provide extra detail
  • Use clear language that supports shared understanding
    • Symbols and acronyms must be explained
  • Keep it simple (less is more)
    • Avoid decorative images that have no relevance to the content/learning
    • Images that are talked about or related to the content/learning are fine (see FAQs for more info)
    • Do not put text over an image
    • Avoid arrows and shapes. These can be distracting for some users and not always clear

Font and colour

  • Use appropriate colour contrasts
    • For users with visual impairments/Dyslexia
    • Where possible, an off-white background can reduce glare (in-person presenting)
    • Make sure there is a good contrast between text colours and background colours. PowerPoints accessibility checker can assess this. Go to ‘review’ and click ‘check accessibility’
  • Try to use font size of 18 point and larger                                                                                                                             
  • Use simple, sans serif fonts with adequate spacing between letters
    • Avoid compressed, fancy, italic, or underlined fonts or fonts with uneven line weights.
    • Good sans serif font examples: Calibri, Franklin Gothic Book, Lucida Sans, Segoe UI (not an exhaustive list)

Hyperlinks and images

  • Ensure images are marked as decorative or have alt text
  • Avoid animations or flashing images
    • can cause visual disturbances
  • Make sure that the Hyperlink has context and describes where it leads
    • Avoid using “Click here” or “More info” as a link title
    • Use hyperlinks instead of copying whole URL, screen readers will read the whole thing

Final checks

  • Use the Microsoft PowerPoint Accessibility Checker which appears under the Review menu option before finalising the presentation                                                                                                                                                                           
  • If you need any support on this or anything accessibility, you can contact the Student Experience and Accessibility Librarian 

Accessibility Checklist – Video Recording


  • Use audio
    • Learning material: Students with visual impairments or sensory needs may wish to listen to materials, all presentations recordings should have audio
    • Other content: where possible, provide audio to support students/staff
    • Avoid using music, can be distracting for some


  • Don’t assume everyone can see the video
    • When demonstrating, avoid phrases like ‘as you can see’ or ‘you can find information here’ make sure to explain exactly what you are doing and what is on the screen
    • Avoid long URLS, read out shorter ones
  • Use clear language that supports shared understanding
    • Symbols and acronyms must be explained

Captions & transcripts

  • Where possible, use closed captions
    • Generated captions have a less accuracy rate
    • Captions provide an alternative format for the information
  • Create a transcript
    • Most software tools can easily generate a transcript when using closed captions and are fairly accurate (can make edits if needed)

Prep & final checks

  • Record a video in a suitable environment with limited background noise or distractions
  • Use a demo as opposed to screenshots
    • If you are giving a demonstration, consider making a demonstration video as opposed to screenshotting each action
    • More engaging for a variety of learning needs
  • If you need any support on this or anything accessibility, you can contact the Student Experience and Accessibility Librarian

Accessibility Checklist – Documents


  • Use an easily customisable format
    • Word is a customisable format (e.g. can change text size, colour)
    • Sensus Access can also support converting documents for staff and students. Information can be found on the Sensus Access library webpage (copyright restrictions apply)
  • Use built-in headings and styles
    • Using built in titles and headings can support screen readers
    • Guidance for word can be found on Microsoft’s accessibility webpage


  • Make sure colour is not the sole way of conveying information
    • Consider putting text bold and underlined 
  • Use sufficient contrast for text and background colours.


  • Hyperlinks should be unique and descriptive
    • Avoid using “Click here” or “More info” as a link title
    • Use hyperlinks instead of copying whole URL, screen readers will read the whole thing
  • Include alt text with visuals
    • Helps users understand what’s important in images and other visuals
    • Screen readers can read the image
    • Further guidance can be found on Microsoft’s accessibility webpage


  • When using Microsoft Word, avoid using merged cells when possible
    • There is no way to apply scope to table headers in Microsoft Word like you can in PDF
  • Do not use tables to format content
    • There are more accessible methods for formatting content like using headings or applying columns to text
    • Tables should be used to display important data
  • Add a header row to a table. This ensures tables can be read by screen reading technology, Microsoft word have an instruction video
    • Choose Insert > Table to insert a table
    • Choose the number of boxes you want across to create columns
    • then choose the number of boxes you want down to create rows for your table
    • Note: When you add a table to your document, two new tabs to appear in the ribbon: Design and Layout. These are the Table Tools
    • Choose the Table design Options, and then choose Header row. Other options include Banded Rows or Total Row
  • Where possible, add column headings, to allow for clear understanding of content
    • Place your cursor in the first cell on the top row of your new table
    • Type the name for this column and then press Tab to move from one column to the next. Add additional column names as needed
  • In some cases, you may want to use captions to allow users to quickly identify the purpose of the table and support a table of contents. This is optional and depends on the document being created
    • Right click the whole table
    • Select insert caption
    • Add a name to the caption
    • Select Ok

Final checks

  • When creating a Microsoft word doc, use the accessibility checker
    • It can make amendments for you!
    • Particularly useful with alt text and colour contrast
    • Go to ‘review’ and click ‘check accessibility’
  • If the document is part of an online/in-person training/learning session, share it in advance
    • Supports students/staff to process the content beforehand if needed


What is accessibility?

Accessibility is about removing barriers so that everyone has fair and equal access.

In education, this involves overcoming any barriers that might occur for students/staff with disabilities. Everyone has the right to fair and equal access to digital and physical services such as learning resources, information and online systems as well as buildings and equipment.

Why does accessibility matter?

Creating clear heading structures, writing in plain English, making your content work with or without sound, enabling it to be read aloud, benefits everyone. It's inclusive design, it's good design. And should mean your communication gets better engagement from your audience.

Accessible content is optimised to make sure it can be used and understood by the widest possible audience. While improving the accessibility of our digital & in-person services will certainly have a positive impact for users with disabilities, it is not where the impact stops. There may be individuals who do appear in UCAS statistic that may still have difficulties, some examples being:

  • Students with a short-term injury, such as a broken arm in a cast or repetitive strain injury, who might struggle with the fine motor control required to use a mouse.
  • Students for whom English is not their first language, who may struggle to understand complex or wordy text.
  • Or even someone sat in front of a brightly lit window with the sun shining on their computer screen who may have difficulty seeing website content that uses faint colour contrast.

Accessibility is about universality, not just disability. It is about making sure as many people as possible, no matter their physical location or ability, can access your content.

What is the difference with images?

A decorative image is one which holds no context to the learning but may be in place as a placeholder (e.g. Loughborough logo on the templates) or to make a page look ‘pretty’.  

Learning material

Guidance would be to avoid decorative images that serve no purpose to the learning as it can be distracting for some students. If you would like to add an image (if necessary), consider one with purpose – this can add meaning to what you’re discussing or be a talking point in itself. For example, when discussing the university VPN, a picture with wires to resemble IT is not purposeful, however, a screenshot of the IT services webpage or the logo of the VPN students need to install, provides relevance and can be talked about (alt text can also be added, such as ‘image of IT services webpage found on www....’).  


Images are used very differently for marketing and promotion. In these instances, decorative images may be needed to promote information and grab someone’s attention. You can add alt text when applying decorative images so that, for example, if a student downloads a flyer, they could still navigate using a screen reader.

Is it a legal requirement?

All active University documents need to strive to adhere to accessibility standards to meet our obligations under the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Application) Accessibility Regulation (2018). It specifies any document shared with staff, students or external users by digital means (including by email, SharePoint, MS Teams, Learn and University operated Websites).

The Government Digital Service (GDS) monitors public sector bodies’ compliance on behalf of the Minister for the Cabinet Office. GDS does this by examining a sample of public sector websites and mobile apps every year. GDS can ask for information and request access to intranets, extranets, apps or any public sector website.

See the JISC guide to meeting accessibility regulations for more information about the legal implications.

Why is this happening now?

Universities are striving to become more accessible to meet law regulations and to improve experiences for all students. Many accessibility librarians are being employed across the HE sector to help support university staff and raise awareness for all things accessibility.

Loughborough University Library has now appointed their own staff member, the Student Experience and Accessibility Librarian, to:

  • Support library staff regarding accessibility
  • Run accessibility reports on resources
  • Recommend resources for best practice
  • Align with best practice and ensure the library is meeting regulation standards
  • Raise awareness for accessibility

What if I get it wrong?

That is ok, accessibility can seem overwhelming at times however it is worth giving it a go! You’d be surprised how little changes can make a big difference.

This document is designed to put the necessary information from advisory guidance into one place. A document you can refer to as many times as needed.

How do I convert my file into an accessible PDF?

PDF’s are not the most accessible document format, current guidance to support PDF accessibility is as follows:

Once you have produced a Word document in accordance with the accessibility instructions and have checked its accessibility, you can convert your document into an accessible PDF file. You will need Adobe Acrobat Standard or Pro installed to maintain accessibility information when converting from Word.

Convert a Word document into PDF/A as follows:

  1. Select the File tab.
  2. Select Export.
  3. Then select Create PDF or XPS Document.
  4. Click on Create PDF/XPS.
  5. In the window that opens, determine the folder in which the file is saved. Give a file name that describes the content of the document.
  6. Before clicking Publish, open Options.
  7. Check the boxes against ‘create bookmarks,’ ‘document properties,’ document structure tags,’ and ‘PDF/A compliant’.
  8. Click OK, and then publish.

In older versions of Word, you can create a PDF file with the Save as function, however, you must not use File > Save As > PDF, File > Save As Adobe PDF or File > Print > Adobe PDF, as this will not retain accessibility information when converting from Word. Make sure that you have selected both Document structure tags for accessibility and Document properties.

Do not use the ‘Print to PDF’ function to create PDF files. If you do so, the document will have no structure. Instead, it will resemble a scanned image. If you are using Adobe Acrobat Pro and your Word version contains the Acrobat PDFMaker function, make sure that you have selected the Convert document information and Enable Accessibility and Reflow with tagged Adobe PDF boxes in the Acrobat tab Preferences.

Another way to convert a word document to an accessible PDF is by using SensusAccess, which is free to all library users. Please note, the document will only convert successfully if the original document is accessible. The guidance provided in the documents section can assist with making the original material accessible. 

Is accessibility important for my thesis?

Not only is it valuable for others to view and navigate your thesis, but it also offers significant benefits to you as the author. Implementing clear headings and structured formatting while working on your thesis can help you stay organised as the content grows. It enables you to easily navigate through the document, ensuring that ideas flow coherently and that you can efficiently locate key sections as the thesis evolves into a comprehensive body of work.

Making a thesis accessible includes addressing accessibility needs, such as providing content in formats compatible with screen readers or offering alternative text for images. This ensures that all potential readers, regardless of their needs, can access the work. This allows access for a broader audience, including scholars, researchers, and the general public, to read and benefit from the research findings. This can enhance the impact of the research and it’s reputation.

What support is there for me?

The student experience and accessibility librarian is on hand to support staff in regard to accessibility and is happy to provide support and guidance when needed.

Name: Emma Hibbert
