Gill Clarke
Careers Development Manager

BA (Hons) Psychology with Drama and Theatre Studies, PG Diploma in Careers Guidance, BPS Psychometric Testing Level A, ILM Level 5 Coaching and Mentoring, Member of AGCAS.
Gill’s role is to lead the Careers Development Team to ensure Careers Network provides excellent careers support to students and graduates. This is delivered through tailored information, advice, guidance and coaching, and programmes of events designed to enhance employability and career potential, student progression, career choices and graduate outcomes.
Gill joined Careers Network in 2002 as a qualified careers adviser with experience at three other universities, including administration, information, writing, publishing and training. Working as a Careers Coach at Loughborough, she has worked with students from all academic schools and led marketing and website development projects.
Trained in coaching, mentoring and management she moved into her current role as Careers Development Manager in May 2021. She is a member of the Careers Network Management Team with responsibilities for the Careers Network website, services, resources, communications, marketing, national accreditation and professional development.