Helen Jeffery
Careers Coach

BSc (Hons) Information Technology, PG Diploma in Human Resources, NLP Coaching and Life Coaching Diplomas, Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA), Member of the Association of Coaching, Member of the CIPD, Member of AGCAS.
Helen provides careers advice, careers coaching and interview coaching appointments in person and via Teams and telephone with a particular focus on finalists and graduates. She also researches, creates and delivers careers workshops, presentations, events and skills sessions university-wide and within SSEHS to enhance the employability of our students and graduates.
Helen supports students from the following schools:
- School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences (SSEHS)
- School of Science (SoS)
- Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Materials Engineering (AACME)
- Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering (ABCE)
- Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering (MEME)
After graduating, Helen worked at IBM in Brussels for a year, before qualifying in Human Resource Management. She has over 15 years of experience gained in private and public sectors, working in Human Resources roles. Her last corporate role was Assistant HR Manager for the College of Business, Law and Social Sciences, at Nottingham Trent University. After this, Helen specialised as a Learning and Development Designer, Facilitator and Assessor for CIPD accredited HR and learning and development programmes. She also qualified as a coach and provided careers and life coaching to clients.