Joss Moffatt
Careers Coach

BSc (Hons) Biological Sciences, PG Certificate in Career Education, Information and Guidance in HE, Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA), Member of AGCAS.
Joss provides careers advice, careers coaching and interview coaching appointments in person and via Teams and telephone with a particular focus on finalists and graduates. She also researches, creates and delivers careers workshops, presentations, events and skills sessions university-wide and within AACME and ABCE to enhance the employability of our students and graduates.
Joss co-ordinates our Finalist Futures programme of sessions and events tailored to final year undergraduates. She is also responsible for our work with disabled students.
Joss supports students from the following schools:
- Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Materials Engineering (AACME)
- Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering (ABCE)
- Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering (MEME)
- School of Science (SoS)
- School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences (SSEHS)
Joss came to Careers Network from an industry background, having spent several years as a manager in an IT and consulting company where she had responsibility for both graduate and experienced recruitment and the career development of employees.