Develop Skills for Success
At Loughborough you will have the opportunity to take part in activities, gain experience and access individual support, to make the most of your time here and prepare for your future career. Take advantage of the support offered by your Careers Network to enhance key skills and unlock your full potential to succeed in your studies and employment through our Student Success Academy.
Student Success Academy

Created to invest in a wide range of initiatives focused on the success and progression of all students, our Student Success Academy offers a wide range of personalised opportunities and tailored programmes designed to help you unlock your full potential during your time at university, and with a particular focus on students traditionally underrepresented in Higher Education.
With a focus on skills development across all stages of the student journey, the Success Academy puts the spotlight on key transitions including coming to university, moving into and out of your placement experience, stepping up to final year and becoming a graduate. We listen to your experiences and help you to overcome any barriers to achieving your own version of success, whether academic, personal or career specific.
Research highlights that students traditionally underrepresented at university are less likely to ‘get in and get on’ – progressing to a year-long placement, attaining their full potential academically or achieving the same level of graduate employment as their peers. Our Access and Participation Plan provides further information about this and the initiatives adopted by the University to reduce inequalities at all stages of the student journey.
To find out more about what we offer and sign up please visit our Unlock Your Full Potential page.
Impact to date
Our Year in Review Highlights for 2023-24
- 2900+ unique students participating
- Over 94 workshops and events delivered
- 304 1:1 Academic Success Coaching appointments held
- 37 Academic Success group sessions delivered to 689 students
- Over 991 hours of peer and alumni mentoring provided
- 46 mentors recruited and trained
- 95 paid internships offered through Talent Match Programme
- 47 paid internships awarded to students traditionally under-represented at university
Student Success Stories

Future Black Talent Programme student
I’d like to say a massive thank you. Your guidance and encouragement has been invaluable with the placement process, especially helping me to understand the value being myself and presenting confidential and genuinely – not just conforming.

Get Ahead Together mentee
I was quite lost in the first few weeks of semester one, but this has been immensely helpful across semester one and two. I feel more settled into university and confident about succeeding in my course.

Get Ahead Together peer mentor
The thoughtful sessions delivered to the mentees by my fellow mentors were also relevant to me. The exchange of ideas is a really exciting aspect of being a peer mentor – you get to learn so much from both the mentors and your mentees.