Hedgehog friendly campus accreditation

Loughborough University is part of the Hedgehog Friendly Campus initiative, a nationwide project set up by the British Hedgehog Preservation Society.
We achieved Bronze in this year’s awards (2022-23) and are working towards Silver accreditation currently.
Participation in the project supports the overall biodiversity work across the campus.
Hedgehogs play a key role in our country’s ecosystem by managing insect populations, which is why it’s important to prevent any further decline of the species. Did you know that since 2000, the number of hedgehogs in Britain has declined by almost 50%? This makes them vulnerable to extinction in our country.
As part of the University’s ongoing work in this space, we currently have a working group of students who work together to help prevent the continued decline of hedgehogs. Their work includes promoting the campaign, undertaking workshops, holding fundraising events, distributing flyers, and brainstorming creative ideas to make others aware of what they can do to help hedgehogs, both on campus and in their gardens.
Those who are interested are encouraged to email enviroassist@lboro.ac.uk to get involved or learn more.