Overview of proceedings

Here is the timeline of key dates and actions which you need to undertake to attend your graduation ceremony.

December Ceremony Timeline

Action Timepoint
Invitations sent and booking opens Early November
Ceremony times confirmed (graduands will be notified via email) Early November
Contact Student Records & Operations if you are overseas and require a letter to confirm your graduation ceremony date to support a visa application. Please refer to the latest travel advice from the UK government. As soon as possible
Inform Student Records & Operations if you or your guests have any additional needs – for example you require assistance to cross the stage.  The stage is accessible via stairs or ramps.  If this information is available at the time of booking, please complete the relevant section in the booking form; otherwise email Student Records & Operations As soon as possible
Hire your academic dress from Ede and Ravenscroft At least 21 days prior to the ceremony
Deadline for name changes. 22 November 2024
Programme Boards are held and results released. Throughout November
Check your data consent preferences in Self Service to ensure you are included/excluded from the graduation programme and other promotional materials. This will be part of the booking process. 22 November 2024
Deadline for bookings – don't wait until your results are released. 22 November 2024
Deadline for results to be published
All outstanding academic fees must be paid in order for results to be released.  If your results are not available via MyResults but you have paid all fees, please contact us.
27 November 2024
E-tickets are sent to graduands. Approx 3 days before the ceremony

Summer Ceremony Timeline

Action Timepoint

Ceremony times confirmed.


Invitations sent and booking opens. Late April

Contact Student Records & Operations if you are overseas and require a letter to confirm your graduation ceremony date to support a visa application. Please refer to the latest travel advice from the UK government.

As soon as possible

Inform Student Records & Operations if you or your guests have any additional needs – for example you require assistance to cross the stage (accessible via a ramp).  If this information is available at the time of booking, please complete the relevant section in the booking form.  If your circumstances change once booking has closed, email Student Records & Operations. As soon as possible
Hire your academic dress from Ede and Ravenscroft. At least 21 days prior to the ceremony
Deadline for name changes. 21 June 2024
Check and confirm your data consent preferences via the MyGraduation portal to ensure you are included/excluded from the graduation programme and other promotional materials.  This will be part of the booking process.

21 June 2024

Deadline for bookings.

21 June 2024

Programme Boards are held and results released.

Throughout June

Deadline for results to be published in order to attend the ceremonyAll outstanding academic fees must be paid in order for results to be released. If your results are not available via MyResults but you have paid all fees, please contact Student Records & Operations

5 July 2024

E-tickets are sent to graduands.

A few days before the ceremonies

Deadline for results to be published in order to graduate in absentia (and not attend the ceremony). All outstanding academic fees must be paid in order for results to be released.

10 July 2024