Guidance on the processes relating to results production.
1. When will my results be available and how do I access them?
Semester 1 Results
Your Semester 1 marks will be released as usual through the MyResults System. You will receive a notification e-mail when they are ready to view. Please note that the marks you obtain at the end of Semester 1 are provisional and may be subject to further change. Generic feedback on students' performance in exams will be provided in the standard way. Marks will then be reviewed again and finalised in consultation with relevant external examiners at the exam boards following Semester 2 (June/July).
Semester 2, Special Assessment Period (SAP) and Semester 3 Results
You will receive an email notification sent to your University account to let you know when your results have been released. This will be at some point during the working day and is normally two working days after the relevant Programme or Review Board.
You can access your results by logging onto the myResults portal.
2. My friend has received an email saying their results are available, but I haven't heard anything yet. Should I have received something?
Results are released throughout the working day, normally two working days after the relevant Programme or Review Board. As different boards are held on different days, your results might not yet be available. Results are also released at different times of day to different groups of students, so you might not receive yours until the afternoon. If you don’t receive an email in your University account within three working days of your board, please contact your School administration team.
3. Have the Safety Nets been applied to my results?
Safety Nets were introduced for all students to ensure consistency, equity and fairness in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Safety Nets no longer apply to new results. However, Safety Net 4 will still be applied when assessing the final degree outcomes for students who undertook degree credit-bearing modules in Semester 2 of 2019/20.
4. I owe the University money. Will I get my results?
You will not get your results or be allowed to re-register for the next Part of your programme if you have outstanding academic charges.
However, if you are undertaking reassessments without attendance (in the Special Assessment Period (SAP) or the Next Academic Year (NAY)), then any outstanding academic debt (e.g. tuition or reassessment fees) will not prevent you from taking these reassessments. If you wish to resit during the Next Academic Year (NAY), you will not be allowed to take assessments with attendance unless your academic debt has been cleared.
5. As a result of my mitigating circumstances claim, I have been given additional marks, but I would prefer to take the assessment again. What do I do?
Speak to your Programme Administrator in the first instance, so that they can contact the University Appeals Team on your behalf to help you out with this.
6. My mitigating circumstances claim has not been accepted. What are my options?
You may wish to contact your Programme Administrator in the first instance. You may also wish to seek advice from LSU Advice. Please note, however, that normally, an appeal based on circumstances which have already been considered through the Mitigating Circumstances processes, or which amounts to an expression of dissatisfaction with the decision of the Mitigating Circumstances Panel on your claim, will not be successful. If you submit substantive new information and/or evidence in relation to such circumstances as part of an appeal, this will be considered, but you will need to demonstrate that you had good cause for not supplying this additional material as part of your earlier Mitigating Circumstances claim.
7. How do I appeal against my results?
For information on grounds for appeal and how you can submit one, please see the information on Academic Appeals under Regulation XIV in the Student Handbook.
8. Why has my friend received a higher degree classification than me, even though we have the same degree mark?
Each Programme Board is discrete and sets its own degree classification thresholds in line with Regulation XX and Regulation XXI. These decisions are made based on various criteria including the overall performance of the cohort in consideration and with reference to national standards in the subject discipline. As members of the Programme Board, external examiners are involved in this decision-making process.
9. I am very close to the boundary. Is it possible to get my work remarked?
Programme Boards give very careful consideration of the placement of degree classification boundaries and, unfortunately, there will always be some students who fall just below a boundary.
Appeals based solely on your programme mark being just below a boundary, or on a claim that your work was deserving of a higher mark, will not be successful. This is because the assessment of all your work at the University is subject to the checks and rigorous marking procedures outlined in section 12 of the University’s Academic Quality Procedures Handbook. These safeguards mean that you may not challenge the academic judgement of the examiners (i.e. you may not simply argue that an examiner has been mistaken or come to an incorrect decision about the quality of your work), nor may you ask for coursework or examination scripts to be re-marked.
Notwithstanding the above, if you have good reason to believe that there has been an administrative error in the recording or calculation of one of your marks, you may ask your Programme Administrator to check it. This will not affect your right to submit an appeal later, and a further 10 working day period for appeal from the last relevant communication from your School will apply.
10. When will I receive my reassessment form and what is the deadline?
If you are an Undergraduate student, you will receive an email notification if you have reassessments available to you. Your reassessment form can be accessed via your MyResults page or Student Self-Service.
If you are a Postgraduate Taught student, your School will email your reassessment form to you (if applicable), either when your results are released or within two days of this.
Please contact your Programme Administrator if you have not received your reassessment form by:
- Friday 18 July 2025 following the summer Programme and Review Boards at the end of Semester 2
- Wednesday 24 September 2025 following SAP 2025
- Within five working days following your Semester 3 Review Board (PGT students only)
You should read the online guidance before completing your reassessment form. The deadlines for all students to have completed and returned their reassessment forms are:
- Thursday 24 July 2025 following the summer Programme and Review Boards at the end of Semester 2
- Wednesday 1 October 2025 following SAP 2025
- As stated on the reassessment form following your Semester 3 Review Board (PGT students only)
If you return your form after this time, you may not be able to be reassessed in SAP or the next academic year and a late registration fee may be charged.
11. Should I take reassessments in the Special Assessment Period (SAP) or the Next Academic Year?
Your reassessment form will outline your reassessment options to you, including whether or not you have the choice to take these in SAP or next academic year. Please note that you can only take 60 credits in SAP.
12. What are the arrangements for the Special Assessment Period (SAP) this year?
Examinations will be held in the same way as Semesters 1 and 2 and coursework submissions will normally be online.
13. What facilities will be available on campus in SAP?
During SAP, the Pilkington Library is open from Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 21:00, with help and assistance available from library staff if required. Quiet or silent study areas are available and it is also possible to book rooms and booths suitable for group working. The library also has 250 PCs available for use.
The Maths Learning Support Centre (MLSC) in the Schofield building is open during SAP for free one-to-one drop-in support with mathematics or statistics. Specific opening dates and times are published on the MLSC website in the run-up to SAP.
All 24/7 IT labs are available for use during SAP, except for those in the Wavy Top Building. Information about labs, PC availability and access to particular pieces of software can be found on the IT Services website. Certain IT facilities within Schools are restricted to students of that School. If you require access to discipline-specific IT systems and software within your School, you should check availability with your School administration team
Short-term accommodation is available on campus during the summer. Details can be found on the Student Accommodation Centre’s website.