Fees and funding

Planning your placement year finances

During your work placement or Year in Enterprise, you will need to manage your finances differently and plan ahead for changes to your income and outgoings.  You must ensure you will have access to adequate funds to cover your expenses before committing to undertake any placement opportunity.

The information on this page is intended as a guide and may be subject to change for future academic years.  Information for students planning to undertake a study exchange can be found on the Study abroad pages.

What will I earn during a placement year?

Many Loughborough students earn a salary whilst on placement. These vary according to role, industry sector, size of employer and location, but within the UK generally fall between £18,000 and £28,000 per year.  In sectors such as business, engineering, manufacturing and retail, most placements are offered with a salary.  In areas such as psychology, sport and the creative industries, unpaid placements are more common. However, students on unpaid placements may have the opportunity to attend valuable training courses and/or take up additional ad hoc paid work with the organisation.

Tuition fees and loans

Will I pay a tuition fee whilst I am on placement?

The placement year is part of a student’s academic programme and, as students continue to be supported by the University, a tuition fee is payable. However, the placement year fee is much lower than for a year of study on campus, reflecting the fact that learning is taking place primarily in a workplace and not at the University.

What is the tuition fee ‌for a placement year?

The placement year fee equates to 20% of the fee which would be payable for a year of full-time tuition on campus.  This aligns with fees charged by other comparable universities.

What does the tuition fee pay for?

The Part I tuition fee ensures Loughborough University can provide specialist support to students before, during and after their placement.  This includes:

  • Help to source high quality placement roles
  • The promotion of thousands of placement opportunities, many of which are advertised exclusively to Loughborough University students
  • Online and individual support with applications, including guidance on CVs, interviews and assessment centres
  • Assurance that placements meet legal and health and safety requirements
  • Limited travel insurance cover for international placements 
  • Advice for students on matters including employment contracts, finance, accommodation and UK work entitlements for Student visa holders
  • Support for students with additional needs
  • Academic and wellbeing support on placement
  • The assessment of academic work to enhance reflection and maximise the placement learning experience
  • The award of an additional Diploma alongside the degree, following successful completion of Part I assessments
  • Advice and support on the transition back to study

Can I apply for tuition fee and maintenance loans?

UK students may apply for a student loan to cover tuition fees and support maintenance expenses whilst on placement.  

The financial support available varies depending on a number of factors, including the location of your placement and whether or not you are living at your family home. 

Further information is available from the Student Advice and Support Service.

Student Advice and Support Service

Other financial support

Loughborough University Bursary (LUB) placement start-up grant

UK students from England, Scotland and Northern Ireland with a qualifying household income (£25,000 or less per year) may be eligible to receive a Loughborough University Bursary placement start-up grant.

More information about the LUB

Loughborough Bursary for Unpaid Placements (LBUP)

In a continued effort to contribute to the social mobility of our students, Loughborough University offers a bursary scheme for UK undergraduate students from low-income households (less than £25,000 per year) to enable access to unpaid placements. 

Whilst Loughborough University does not support unpaid placements, such opportunities are commonplace in various industry sectors.  By providing these funds, we aim to make these types of placements a realistic aspiration for students who may not otherwise consider them or who would have difficulties supporting themselves financially.

For further information, please contact the Careers Network Diversity and Inclusion Team: future.talent@mailbox.lboro.ac.uk.

LBUP Terms and Conditions

Year in Enterprise funding

If you are taking the Year in Enterprise instead of a work placement, there are two competitive funding schemes open each year via the Loughborough Enterprise Network (LEN): the SKILL-UP fund for early stage businesses and the START-UP fund for more mature businesses. You will be advised and guided through applications to these funds during the year. Terms and conditions apply and a place on the Year in Enterprise does not guarantee that you will be awarded these funds as they are open to all Loughborough students with business ideas.

Loughborough Enterprise Network funding

Turing Scheme

The UK government's Turing Scheme provides financial support to students undertaking study abroad or work placements outside of the UK.  Funding is not guaranteed and priority will be given to students who are typically under-represented within higher education in the UK and who are taking an exchange or unpaid work placement.

Further information on the Turing Scheme

Council Tax exemption

If you are completing a placement year as part of your degree programme, you are usually exempt from paying Council Tax in the UK.  You can download a Council Tax exemption certificate from the Self-Service portal. 

If your local council requires a letter which confirms your home and term-time addresses, they may instead accept a bank letter, which is also available via the Self-Service portal.  You must ensure that your address information is kept up-to-date. 

If a bespoke letter is required (e.g. stating the details of your placement), contact studentrecords@lboro.ac.uk, clearly stating the requirements and your student registration number.

Self-Service Portal

Oyster Card

If you are living in a London borough and undertaking your work placement within London, you may be eligible to apply for an 18+ Student Oyster photocard for discounted travel within London.  You should check the Transport for London (TfL) website for the latest eligibility criteria and application information. 

TfL website

Advice on managing your finances

Further guidance about managing your finances, making a student loan application, council tax, income tax, and what to do if you unexpectedly find yourself in financial hardship is available from the Student Advice and Support Service.