Once you have found a placement
Guidance on the next steps once you have accepted a role
Once you have found a placement, you must inform your Placements Officer. There are a number of steps which must be taken in order for the University to approve the placement. Approval must be place before you start the placement; unofficial placement activity cannot be considered part of your programme and will not meet the requirements for the University to provide you with Public Liability cover for a UK placement, or limited travel insurance cover for an international placement.
University requirements
Maintaining your Co-Tutor record
The University uses the Co-Tutor system to manage placements.
You will need to:
Add the details of your placement: job title, location, employer contact details, start and end dates (or estimates), job description and salary information.
If your placement is unpaid or freelance and there is no formal job description or contract in place between you and the organisation, ask the organisation for written confirmation of the following:
- A summary of the duties you will be undertaking
- Working days and hours
- Breaks during the day, e.g. time allowed for lunch
- Whether work-related expenses can be claimed, including how to claim, e.g. by submitting receipts for travel
- Details of any other payments in kind – e.g. commission or accommodation
- Any ‘holiday’ or ‘annual leave’ entitlement
You will also need to complete a Risk Assessment and ensure you have watched your School’s Health and Safety briefing (usually hosted within Learn). Your School will provide full instructions and deadlines.
Your employer will also need to complete the ‘Host Organisation Declaration Form’. This document confirms that they have appropriate processes in place for health and safety, your induction and supervision, etc.
Changes to your circumstances
If the details you have provided change at any point, you must update Co-Tutor. It is essential that the University holds accurate information at all times. This includes start and end dates, placement location (e.g. you will be working at a different site) and supervisor contacts.
Your School will be required to approve the changes.
International placements
In addition to the above, you must register for a Crisis24 Horizon account using your University email address via the link below. This will allow you to check the travel advice and security information, including the risk level, for your chosen location.
You are also advised to download the Crisis24 Horizon app for up-to-date travel and emergency advice whilst you are away.
Other considerations
Student Status letters
If your employer requires evidence that you are a student at Loughborough University, you can download a certificate of registration from the Self-Service portal. If you require a bespoke letter stating that your placement is a formal part of your programme, or, if you are a Student visa holder, that you will continue to be sponsored by Loughborough University during your placement year, contact Student Records & Operations (studentrecords@lboro.ac.uk). Remember to include your registration number and specific details about what is required in the letter.
National Insurance Number
If you are not ordinarily resident in the UK and do not already have a National Insurance Number, you will need to apply for one in order to undertake paid employment in the UK. Your employer should guide you through the steps but information is also available from the Student Advice and Support Service.