Outstanding visa applications
How to confirm your right to study if you have made a visa application in the UK but have not had a decision from UKVI.
If you have submitted a visa application within the UK, we will allow you to register, providing you can demonstrate that your visa application was made in-time (i.e. before the expiry of your last visa or other immigration permission) and, if changing visa type, that you had the right to switch into a different visa category within the UK and that your current visa allows you to study and you have obtained any necessary ATAS approval. You must show the following documents:
- Passport and most recent visa (or a copy if the originals are with UKVI)
- Evidence of your visa application – UKVI email confirming receipt of your application; a copy of the application form pages showing your name, the visa type (e,g, Student) and date of application; a copy of the UKVI document checklist; or a UKVI email/letter advising that your visa has been granted
- If you are not the main applicant (e.g. you are applying as the dependant of a parent or partner), please ensure that the evidence provided shows your name and the date and type of the application
If this is not possible or if your application was submitted some time ago, we will ask you to complete a form which authorises UKVI to share information about your immigration status and right to study in the UK. It may take UKVI several days to respond to such requests and you will not be permitted to start your programme/resume your studies during this time.
A solicitor's letter regarding your visa application is not acceptable evidence.