1. Programme Aims
The aims of this programme are to...
A1 Demonstrate the use of a well-rounded, broad-based, student-focused experience that includes opportunities to train with varied forms of architectural practices in preparation for a successful career as an architect
A2 Provide progressively challenging design briefs that enhance individual and team imagination, creativity, intellectual curiosity, critical thinking and reflection
A3 Provide a high quality educational experience that produces design and industry leaders who are able to communicate their ideas visually, orally and in writing
A4 Develop a thorough and broad understanding of architecture and its broader cultural, social, environmental and historic context
A5 Explore a wide range of architectural technologies, materials and innovative solutions to develop technical prowess
A6 Develop an understanding of integrating active as well as passive design features and environmental design strategies to enhance user comfort and reduce embedded and operational carbon
A7 Facilitate collaborative projects with other disciplines across the construction and arts & design fields
A8 Provide the opportunity to engage with complex design problems in a variety of design contexts through research-informed teaching and practitioner involvement in the delivery of modules
A9 Develop an awareness for and impact on user and broader community-based needs to inform the design process
A10 Provide a variety of theoretical and real contexts to assess architecture and it's qualities, language and relationships
A11 Obtain a broad grounding in professional aspects of architecture including business management and planning, statutory and legal frameworks and client issues
2. Relevant subject benchmark statements and other external reference points used to inform programme outcomes:
Q1 Students are exempt from the part 1 exam offered by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA). This degree also leads to the MArch programme (RIBA Part 2) and full professional qualifications (RIBA Part 3).[1]
Q2 Input from our industrial contacts through focus groups, interviews and workshops.
Q3 QAA Architecture Benchmark statement (2010): http://www.qaa.ac.uk/en/Publications/Documents/Subject-benchmark-statement-Architecture.pdf
Q4 Intended learning outcomes (ILO) align with the education criteria jointly set by the ARB and RIBA: https://www.architecture.com/files/ribaprofessionalservices/education/validation/ribavalidationcriteriafromseptember2011parts1,23.pdf
Q5 ILO’s also align with the EU Professional Qualifications Directive (2005/36/EC), Section 8, Article 46: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=celex%3A32005L0036
Q6 To assure quality and excellence the course adheres to the University’s Quality Procedures Handbook: http://www.lboro.ac.uk/services/registry/pqtp/aqphandbook/
Q7 The course has been designed in accordance with the UK Quality Code for Higher Education, including the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications in the UK (FHEQ)
3. Programme Learning Outcomes
3.1 Knowledge and Understanding
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:
K1 Basic technological principles of structural design, building materials, and construction in relationship to new and existing building proposals
K2 The use of building physics and environmental design principles to inform the sustainable design and occupation of architecture
K3 Architectural periods and styles throughout history
K4 Architectural and urban design theories
K5 The urban environment and the cultural and social issues associated with it
K6 The design process and the way that it is informed by context, stakeholders, budget, brief and regulations
K7 A broad range of communication competencies to convey their ideas visually, orally and in writing
K8 The architectural profession and the context of practice as an individual and working in an inter-disciplinary team
K9 Architectural language, qualities, relationships and potential impact
K10 The use of research skills and approaches as an integrated part of the design process
3.2 Skills and other attributes
a. Subject-specific cognitive skills:
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to:
C1 Propose clear design ideas in relation to a design brief and convert them into physical space
C2 Analyse issues of site, scale, environment, context, programme and users’ needs to form and respond to a design brief
C3 Identify and critically evaluate the materials, construction methods and technologies employed within a building design
C4 Examine the expected performance of key elements with regards to structural performance and environmental impact
C5 Critically analyse architectural, structural, environmental and material strategies/solutions for a complex design problem
C6 Recognize the constraints and interfaces between the process of design, the management of a business and the various frameworks that construction projects fit within
C7 Evaluate building form and key elements through historic and theoretical lenses
C8 Identify appropriate methods to collect information, conduct research, evaluate the results and draw conclusions
b. Subject-specific practical skills:
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to:
P1 Conduct individual and collaborative design investigations
P2 Analyse building site conditions in terms of social, physical, economic and environmental factors
P3 Formulate informed judgements with regards to design proposals that negotiate project aspirations with a wide range of factors
P4 Employ a range of visualisation methods and written vocabulary to communicate design proposals clearly and effectively
P5 Produce digital drawings and models using a range of software to simulate and model building designs
P6 Conduct research using appropriate methods to investigate complex issues
c. Key transferable skills:
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to:
T1 Identify opportunities and problem solve
T2 Utilise design strategies and tools including software that cuts across design professions
T3 Manage time and projects effectively
T4 Gather and manage information
T5 Produce and present ideas in visual and written forms
T6 Think logically and laterally and critically reflect
T7 Work independently and as part of a team
T8 Support the running of a small business within the UK legal framework
4. Programme structure
All modules are compulsory and year long
Part A
Modular Weight
Design Studio A
Design Skills
Tectonics 1 - An Introduction to Materials, Structure & Construction
Building Science
Architectural History
Part B
Modular Weight
Design Studio B
Advanced Design Skills
Advanced Technical Investigations
Critical Theory
Design in Context
Part C
Modular Weight
Design Studio C
Design Interventions
Research Dissertation
The Business of Architecture
5. Criteria for Progression and Degree Award
In order to progress from Part A or Part B, or to qualify for the award of an Honours Degree in Part C, candidates must not only satisfy the minimum requirements set out in Regulation XX but also accumulate 120 credits in each Part. Candidates cannot progress from Part B to the DPS year until Part B progression requirements have been met.
6. Relative Weighting of Parts of the Programme for the Purposes of Final Degree Classification
Candidates' final degree classification will be determined on the basis of their performance in degree level Module Assessments in Parts B and C. The percentage mark for each Part will be combined in the ratio of 40 (Part B) to 60 (Part C) to determine the final percentage mark.