Student visa
How to confirm your right to study with a Student visa.
You will need to show the original documents listed below when collecting your ID card, if you obtain a new visa, or if you make a new visa application in the UK before completing your programme.
Guidance on making a Student visa application is available from the Student Advice and Support Service.
I applied for my visa overseas
I have a 90-day vignette only
- Passport
- 90-day travel vignette (visa stamp) showing Sponsor Licence Number G9M4TDXV1. If your vignette shows a different number, the letters ‘SPX’ only or no number at all, please contact Student Records & Operations immediately as this will need to be resolved prior to registration/the resumption of your studies.
- Flight details
You must attend a further right to study check with your sharecode soon as you have it and before the expiry of your vignette. Failure to do so will mean we have to suspend you from your programme.
To generate a sharecode on the UK government website select ‘something else’ as the reason for the check. The sharecode will be a mixture of letters and numbers, commencing with S.
I have a vignette valid for up to six months
- Passport
- Vignette (visa stamp) showing Sponsor Licence Number G9M4TDXV1. If your vignette shows a different number, the letters ‘SPX’ only or no number at all, please contact Student Records & Operations immediately as this will need to be resolved prior to registration/the resumption of your studies.
- Flight details
If your visa needs to cover a period of study lasting more than six months, please contact us urgently as UKVI may have made an error which requires correction.
I have a digital visa
- Passport
- Copy of the UKVI decision email showing that your visa has been issued for Loughborough University. If the email names a different institution, please contact Student Records & Operations immediately as this will need to be resolved prior to registration/the resumption of your studies.
- Flight details
- Sharecode. You must generate a sharecode on the UK government website selecting ‘something else’ as the reason for the check. The sharecode will be a mixture of letters and numbers, commencing with S.
I applied for my visa in the UK
I have a digital visa
- Passport
- Copy of the UKVI decision email showing that your visa has been issued for Loughborough University. If the email names a different institution, please contact Student Records & Operations immediately for further advice as this will need to be resolved prior to registration/the resumption of your studies.
- Sharecode. You must generate a sharecode on the UK government website selecting ‘something else’ as the reason for the check. The sharecode will be a mixture of letters and numbers, commencing with S.
I have submitted a visa application but have not received a decision
Details of how to confirm your right to study are on the Outstanding visa applications page.