I chose to study my master's course to grow my knowledge and skills in writing, and to get good experience working in and better understanding the Writing Industries. Also, to further my qualifications, and to gain a better level of competence in my craft.
The teaching quality on my course is impeccable, particularly at the top. The facilities are well used and are made readily available for the students. The teaching staff are incredibly accommodating and helpful.
I have got extensive help and support in my work from my lecturers, including detailed feedback and helpful one on one tutorials. I have also got counselling services from the University.

Most days, I go to my lectures, find useful information, and make extensive notes. I often discuss things from the lecture further with other members of the cohort or lecturers. I then write up my notes and do additional reading, research or writing depending on the day. I would like to pursue getting published, and I am also considering a PhD. Both will be supported by the learning on my course, and of course the qualification of my master's.
During my studies, I've learned how to work on long-form projects effectively, and how better to regulate my time when writing. I would advise students considering my course to write often, don’t be afraid of the blank page, and remember that editing is more important than a perfect first draft.
The MA cohort has been incredibly friendly, and I have made close friends with people on campus. I have been in a few clubs which were very welcoming and friendly spaces.