Nyah Warner
- Subject area
- Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering
I studied Maths, Physics, Art and Product Design at A-Level, with predictions of A*AAB. However, on results day, I received ABBC, which meant I didn’t meet the requirements for my first-choice offer of Mechanical Engineering BEng at Loughborough University. Although I was offered a place at my insurance university, I quickly realised how much I wanted to study at Loughborough, so I decided to go through the clearing process.
Attending Loughborough University was something that appealed to me very early on because of the glowing recommendations from my friend’s sister about her experience here. After researching University league tables and visiting the campus on an Open Day, my interest was firmly secured. The campus instantly felt like home and I was particularly excited by the opportunity to explore the Wolfson School workshops and learn more about the course from the academic staff. The presentation about the undergraduate courses at Wolfson was fantastic
When I received my results, I immediately phoned Loughborough University as I researched that they had places available on the Product Design Engineering course. I was on the call for around 30 minutes before I was offered a place and I have never felt so excited.
Understandably organising accommodation after securing my place in clearing meant there was not the same choice of University halls available but reassuringly there were still options. Living in Towers would not have been something I would have initially chosen but now I think it was a blessing. It has been an amazing experience.
My advice to future students is to research alternative universities in advance, so you feel more at ease on results day. Once you have your results, contact your top choice universities straight away.

My Loughborough University experience has been amazing because I have made some great friends whilst studying a course I love.
The support has been fantastic because all lecturers are eager to help and we are regularly asked to give feedback to academic staff. I also value the weekly session with my personal tutor, whether it just a chat to check everything is ok or approaching them if I need support with my studies.
In my course, I’ve especially enjoyed learning how to use industrial Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and the industry standards for engineering drawings. I now feel confident in my ability to innovate, whilst also having a clear understanding of why specific materials and manufacturing processes are chosen. My career aspirations are to work at Dyson and then to be an entrepreneur with my own design engineering consultancy firm.
I have experienced many unique opportunities whilst at Loughborough. I have become the course representative for Product Design Engineering students, this has allowed me to integrate well with the academic staff from the Wolfson School of Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering to help enhance the student experience.
I also had the opportunity to participate in the 2024 Red Bull Soapbox race, an event I’ve watched on television since childhood and always aspired to be a part of. Inspired by conversations with friends from the Women in Engineering Society (WES), who had competed in previous years, I decided to form my own team. We named ourselves Team Tetra, inspired by our design, which featured interlocking colourful 'tetra' blocks. Our team was fortunate to receive invaluable support from the Wolfson School technicians, who offered crucial insights into the design and engineering of our soapbox. Throughout the project, strong planning and organisational skills were essential, along with maintaining a positive outlook. This experience taught me valuable life skills, such as understanding how real-world projects are managed and the importance of careful planning before producing a product. We also learned the significance of appreciating everyone’s contributions in a multidisciplinary team, which helped us overcome unexpected challenges and create a soapbox we were all proud of.
For me, the clearing process has turned out better than I expected, as it led me to a course I truly enjoy at a University that has provided me with countless valuable experiences.
My advice to future students is to fully take advantage of the opportunities available during your time at University. One experience I’m especially proud of is the Red Bull Soapbox event and I’m incredibly grateful to have shared that unforgettable moment with my closest friends.