Areas of supervision
We offer PhD supervision in five different research areas which map onto our main research themes. Below you can find a list of colleagues who are active in each area and the titles of recent projects by our postgraduate researchers. In addition, we are also supporting doctoral projects in other areas related to interests of individual staff members. Prospective applicants are also encouraged to explore individual staff research profiles before contacting a member of staff to discuss their proposal.

Culture, Economy and Policy
Members of staff doing research in this area
- Dr Saul Albert
- Prof. Eleonora Belfiore
- Dr Richard Bramwell
- Prof. John Downey
- Dr Michael Skey
PhD research projects in this area
- “Deep Web perceptions and representations: From hacker community, cybersecurity experts and governments to television programmes and media”
- “Internet use among young Malaysians: Inequality, education, risk and identity”
- “Music rights management in the digital age”
- “The rationale for public arts subsidies in Scandinavian regions: An analysis of planning documents 2000-2015”

Language and Social Interaction
Members of staff doing research in this area
- Dr Saul Albert
- Prof. Charles Antaki
- Dr. Carly Butler
- Prof. Ruth Parry
- Prof. Elizabeth Peel
- Dr Marco Pino
- Dr Jessica Robles
- Dr Rein Sikveland
- Prof. Elizabeth Stokoe
- Dr Cristian Tileaga
PhD research projects in this area
- "Expressing extreme views on Facebook: A discursive analysis"
- “Lifestyle advice in UK Primary Care Consultations”
- "Police interviews with suspects in police stations in England"
- “The interactional organisation of initial business-to-business sales calls with prospective clients”

Media, Memory and History
Members of staff doing research in this area
- Prof. David Deacon
- Prof. Emily Keightley
- Prof. Sabina Mihelj
- Dr Simone Natale
- Dr Alena Pfoser
- Dr Cristian Tileaga
PhD research projects in this area
- “Animating memory: Exploring the intergenerational communication of memories of the 1947 partition of India in the British Asian Community”
- “Chinese television between propaganda and entertainment, 1992-2017”
- “Living at the new margins of Europe: Identity, place and memory in the Russian-Estonian borderland”
- "Rethinking intergroup encounters: Memory, dialogue, and reconciliation in Kosovo"

Nations and Migration
Members of staff doing research in this area
PhD research projects in this area
- “Debating the European Union – Dynamics of ideological conflict in political debates"
- "Dubai as a ‘transit lounge’. Migration, temporariness and ‘flexible belonging’ within the Pakistani community”
- “National continuity in times of geopolitical and demographic change”
- "Tibetan identity, Chinese nationalism and Chinese state media"

Political Communication
Members of staff doing research in this area
- Prof. Andrew Chadwick
- Prof. David Deacon
- Prof. John Downey
- Prof. Sabina Mihelj
- Prof. James Stanyer
- Dr Václav Štětka
- Dr Cristian Vaccari
- Prof. Dominic Wring
PhD research projects in this area
- “Reaching out: China's state media and soft power”
- "Selling Race and God during the GE13: A Discourse-Historical Analysis of Editorials and Columns in Mainstream Malay and English-language newspapers during the 13th General Election in Malaysia"
- “The British media coverage of Africa”
- "Understanding the spread of online misinformation that rejects scientific consensus: audiences, platforms, and algorithms”