Katherine V. Gough is Professor of Human Geography in the Department of Human Geography at Lund University, Sweden. Spanning over three decades, her research foci include: housing and home, work and entrepreneurship, youth and the elderly, mobility and rural-urban dynamics, and urbanisation and climate change. She has conducted research in numerous countries in Africa, Latin America and the Asia-Pacific region. Katherine is working with colleagues at Loughborough University on two research themes: extreme heat in Ghana and promoting peace in Colombia. Building on two British Academy funded projects that she led - VEWEC and REFIT – she is part of the Loughborough Clear Climate team, who are investigating affordable ways to reduce indoor temperatures in homes and workplaces in urban Ghana. After jointly leading the project Paz Alto Cauca, she is Principal Investigator on the EPG project Trocha de Paz that aims to contribute to promoting the agenda of ‘Total Peace’ in Colombia. Katherine’s projects bring together multidisciplinary teams in collaborative research that engages with multiple stakeholders, resulting in strong ties with communities, policy makers and practitioners. Google Scholar Profile.