Dr Tamiris Santos

PhD in International Strategic Studies (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS)

  • Research Associate for Net Zero Militaries

Dr Tamiris (Tami) Santos holds a B.A. in International Relations from Unibero, an M.A. in Latin America Studies from Prolam/USP, and a PhD and postdoctoral research fellowship in International Strategic Studies from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). She was a short-term research fellow at King’s College Defence Studies Department in 2016 and a student member of IISS until 2017. Her thesis was among the top-five doctoral theses from the Strategic Studies Graduation Programme (2017-2020). Lately, she has developed applied studies at SENAI CIMATEC as a visiting specialist in the Centre for Defence, Security and Space (CDSE), conducting research within the project Agenda.Tech, funded by SENAI National Directorate along with several private corporations from the Brazilian Defence Sector.

Currently, she is a guest researcher at the project Procad ASTROS and an associate researcher at REPESD and at GEESI/UFPB. At Loughborough, she is a research associate to NetZero Militaries Project, funded by ESRC/UKRI. Additionally, Tami has upcoming doctoral research in Cranfield Defence and Security PhD programme on the Shrivenham campus. Regarding networks in the UK, she’s currently a committee member of the Defence Research Network and a founder-member of the Military Innovation Research Network, based at King’s College London. Additional memberships: British International Studies Association (BISA) and associate membership at the Brazilian Defence Studies Association (ABED), currently acting as a fiscal counsellor (2023-2024).

Research interests: military effectiveness; interoperability; jointery; future of military operations; military innovation; defence management and analysis; interdisciplinary studies; complexity theory; systems modelling and thinking